I live in Riga. This city has roads, clean water, electricity, police stations, hospitals. But every city has it. What makes Riga different? Well, that is where culture comes in. Festivals and events, public art, amazing architecture and even parks, waterfalls are all part of culture. Our city has a big variety of cultural facilities, including art centers, museums, cinemas, galleries and music venues. Cultural facilities, by their very nature, attract diverse groups of users- citizens and visitors of all ages, sizes, abilities and cultures. These facilities not only gives us the pleasure and opportunity for self-expression, and bring social and economic benefits to our communities and our nation, it is also a very important part of education. The arts are integral to all our lives. The arts bring happiness, and the arts make things happen. Therefore it is particularly important to acknowledge this diversity and ensure usability by everyone. It is important to understand, that cultural facilities are not a luxury but a necessity for every city.
Now imagine. You live in a city. The city has roads, clean water, electricity, police stations, hospitals. What else you may say? Nothing. No museums, no galleries, no theaters, no cinemas. Nothing. What now? What is the feeling of having to live without cultural facilities? You can fulfill your basic needs. You are safe, you have food, you have accommodation, but that’s about it. Suddenly life doesn’t seem so great, does it? You don’t have the ability to explore museums, art galleries and music venues. Because you are trapped in a city