It would seem he has disproven God and the validity of the Christian religion. Though, that certainly seems extreme. How can one scientific theory disprove religion, a cornerstone of human society for millennia, in one fell swoop? Certainly Christian folks should not all drop their moral frameworks, forsake the Lord, and dedicate themselves to a lifetime of meaningless pessimism. The answer to the ultra-Darwinist shutdown of Christianity is made clear by Cunningham, which he proves through scientific knowledge. Ultimately, just as religion has no universal authority over science, science has no universal authority over religion. Ultra-Darwinists claim that God is dead, but science cannot prove that. In an interview with Cunningham, atheist, Darwinist and philosopher Michael Ruse explains the concept: “If one goes into the lab, or one goes out into the field to do science, one is, as a scientist, not looking for God. And therefore one should not be surprised, disappointed, or pleased when one does not find God. I don’t think science proves the existence of God, I don’t think science proves the non-existence of
It would seem he has disproven God and the validity of the Christian religion. Though, that certainly seems extreme. How can one scientific theory disprove religion, a cornerstone of human society for millennia, in one fell swoop? Certainly Christian folks should not all drop their moral frameworks, forsake the Lord, and dedicate themselves to a lifetime of meaningless pessimism. The answer to the ultra-Darwinist shutdown of Christianity is made clear by Cunningham, which he proves through scientific knowledge. Ultimately, just as religion has no universal authority over science, science has no universal authority over religion. Ultra-Darwinists claim that God is dead, but science cannot prove that. In an interview with Cunningham, atheist, Darwinist and philosopher Michael Ruse explains the concept: “If one goes into the lab, or one goes out into the field to do science, one is, as a scientist, not looking for God. And therefore one should not be surprised, disappointed, or pleased when one does not find God. I don’t think science proves the existence of God, I don’t think science proves the non-existence of