In the last century, we have held science and technology accountable for creating new drugs to help treat terminal and harmful diseases that we contract throughout our lives such as HIV. Pharmaceutical companies obtain patents to protect their work from being stolen from them, and produced at a cheaper cost by generic manufactures. This creates the ethical issue of making the drug untouchable to those with HIV that are not wealthy enough to afford the medication they need to survive. Why do pharmaceutical companies not want to share their patented information? What is a patent pool and how is it saving lives? An ethical dilemma can…
This year, about 580,350 US residents are expected to die of cancer – that’s nearly 1,600 people a day. Cancer is the second most common cause of death in the United States, exceeded only by heart disease. Cancer accounts for nearly 1 out of every 4 deaths in the United States. Drug prices are becoming a developing issue for every disease, especially for people who are uninsured. But the cost of cancer has shown an alarming increase and is steadily growing. As a list of more advanced biotech drugs become available the cost for treatment rounds costing $100,000, or even more, are no longer a rarity. With each new drug means more research which in turn means more money. Patients’ living longer is great news but also means they need treatment for longer periods which also increases cost. Prices reflect manufacturers’ years of research and development investment. Also, many drug companies donate a certain amount of medication to prescription-assistance programs that provide them for free to patients who otherwise couldn’t pay. This is a great program but is also extremely costly and directly contributes to the cost.…
Perhaps the most difficult situation in business arises when the indigent desire the product being sold. Political pressure is often put on the company to lower prices in order to accommodate the less fortunate consumer, however, this is in direct conflict with the company’s paramount goal of making the largest profit possible. Issues are increasingly complex given the supply-demand aspects of society and the incentive for production. For these reasons approaches to business that emphasize profit over availability can indeed help society in many ways. Upon the question of ethics one must view the entire market as a whole and the benefits of competition when deciding a fair price. An examination of the case study New Protocol: How Drug’s Rebirth as Treatment for Cancer Fueled Price Rises relies heavily on a keen understanding of the social and economic implications of a capitalist system, and once taken into account it is clear that Celgene Corp. is justified in raising prices based on the business market philosophies asserted by Adam Smith, Milton Friedman, Emanuel Kant, and John Locke. Celgene’s decision to raise prices is complex and…
In 1962, the criteria for the historical analysis of scientific developments was established; scientific development is not completely gradual and consecutive, but instead characterized by periods of steady progress that are interrupted by scientific revolutions of thought and changes in what was held to be fundamentally true (Kuhn). These significant changes are caused by a crisis that lead to solutions for pressing current problems; in this way the aids crisis acted as a catalyst, for it gave the scientific community the necessary push to investigate the nature of retroviruses. Before this point, significant process had been made; Ellermann and Bang (1908) isolated the first oncogenic retroviruses. Temin and Rubin (1958) were able to describe…
There have been many changes that have occurred within the last 10 years. People are living longer due to the development of new treatment options and testing. The H1N1 vaccination was discovered when a worldwide epidemic took place taking away many lives. The purpose of the changes is to ensure quality care for everyone and to build trust with consumers. Surgeries and treatment plans don’t require long waits like back in the days including “eye surgeries, like cataract surgery” (Stonewell, D., 2011). Today patients living with HIV aren’t considered as patients with a death sentence any longer. The drugs that are available keep those infected with HIV healthy and living a long normal life.…
In 2006 (RED) launched a new way to help fight the spread of HIV/AIDS in Africa by partnering with major corporations like Apple and Starbucks. To date, (RED) has raised $200,000,000.00 (200 million) to help fund AIDS treatment in Africa. Without that $200 million, approximately 14 million people would not have received treatment, and most likely would not be here today. In the United States, most HIV/AIDS treatment is covered under insurance and does not require the raising of donations for the treatment to occur. With this being said, it is important to remember that the treatment of HIV/AIDS differs greatly based on funding, stigma, and personal belief, even though the medicine is the same.…
The case was sent back to the lower court to determine if Abbott’s asymptomatic HIV infection posed a threat to Dr. Bragdon. According to Bragdon, as of September 1994, the CDC had identified seven dental workers with suspected occupational transmission of HIV. Do you believe the plaintiff’s HIV infection posed a threat to the defendant?…
I know how this organization always pushes its interns to pursue and advance their professional roles within the Novartis International AG. I wanted to inform you that I have spoken to Dr. Luca Scoizzato from Doctors Without Borders (MSF). After speaking with Dr. Scoizzato I realized the substantial impact his speech could have in our company’s next board meeting. As you know, the impact of MSF has helped advocate as well as, market/fund raise for patients not being treated in the developing world with deadly disease. Not only will Dr. Scoizzato speech sway Dr. Smith, but Dr. Scoizzato could potentially become a great donor. In addition Dr. Socizzato will give insight on MSF experiences fighting to provide funds, care and treatment…
With the advent of a new drug called Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) in 1996, the incidence of HIV among young gay men has actually increased ( Rice, 2006). According to, “HAART is a type of treatment which combines several antiretroviral drugs and helps keep HIV from mutating” (HAART, This treatment has revolutionized the treatment of HIV and given Americans a new lease on life. The treatment is widely attributed to longer life spans as well as fewer symptoms usually attributed to the disease. While this approach has prolonged millions of lives, its use has had a severely negative impact: The actual spread of HIV.…
1. The Europeans poured have poured something into the water which sterilized the water and killed the toxins that become disruptive in the digestive system when they are consumed. They Europeans may have poured what are called oral rehydration salts into the well, which quickly works are combatting the cholera, and will prevent further outbreaks from occurring.…
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is the virus that causes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome referred to as AIDS (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2010). Left untreated, HIV can damage the immune system that can lead to AIDS. When the initial diagnosis becomes established the patient has many adjustments to overcome. Feelings of shame, guilt, denial, depression, fear, anger and shock are the beginning of the ramifications one must face with HIV and AIDS. Other ramifications include social, legal, and ethical issues. Whereas a diagnosis of HIV does not mean that the patient has AIDS, a diagnosis does mean that the patient will be thrust into an overwhelming state of emotion and…
Though cure research and discovery can often be prolonged for many reasons, the complexity of the disease, difficulties in discovering cures, and the general motive of pharmaceutical companies are three reasons why I believe the market is not sitting on this cure. My first point explains the science behind a disease and how that can often slow the research process. Even after a possible cure has been found there are many…
Attention Getter: Today we are going to talk about a disease, it started in 1959, and from Global Health Observatory data, more than 70 million people have been infected with this disease, 35 million people have died because of it. Over 1.1 million people died worldwide in 2015, and yet there is no cure for this disease. You might have already guessed what we are going to talk about today. Yes, it’s acquired immune deficiency syndrome also known as AIDS.…
In today’s society there is an illness that is very common. The virus is called Human Immunodeficiency Virus also known as (HIV) This virus can also lead to another disease Acquired Immune Deficiency Virus (AIDS). The Human Immunodeficiency Virus was found in 1981. Which was reconized in west Africa. When citizens started getting ill. During the 1990’s research for the illness was done. Where they found treatments to slow down the virus. It was also discovered that (HIV) could also lead to a virus called (AIDS) which was more destructive to the human central nervouse system which is also known as (CNS). In 1986 the second virus was found it was isolated in africa. In 1987 the first case of the human immunodeficiency virus 2. Was found in the United States Of America. Between 1990- 1992 approximatley 14,110 deaths were reported in the United States Of America also between that time another disease was found called the dementia. Between 1996-1998 it decreased by 10.5 cases per 1000 people. In 2007 35,962 cases were found which brought the…
The decision to move forward with the program to donate the new drug Mectizan on a large scale to the affected population in the Third World needs to be systematically analyzed. There are two especially important angles from which this decision needs to be considered. The first concern that needs to be taken into account is that of the stockholders and investors in this company, whose interests you are ultimately charged with representing. The second concern deals with the extent and limits of Merck's social responsibilities. These two issues are not necessarily incongruent with each other. As an advisor to this Office, I recommend Merck to proceed with the program to donate Mectizan on a large scale to the affected population. My arguments that support this decision are outlined in the following paragraphs, and are based on precepts and writings on corporate social responsibility and ethics.…