Prompt: The experience of conflict changes people’s priorities
In the face of conflict, the views of what people find to be most important are re-established. During times of conflict, people’s morals and ethics are bought into place. These moral judgments are required to ensure that justice is resolved. Social conformity such as peer pressure alters people’s priorities in times of conflict. This is as people are pressured into doing what others do to fit in. During times of conflict, demonstrations of self actualisation such as personal growth are shown. These actions during conflict portray ones true self and their beliefs. Even in this day and age, the experience of conflict has an effect on people’s priorities.
In times of conflict, justice is resolved by making moral judgments. Morals are standards and principles that people possess when making ethical decisions. However, justice can also be in the form of people getting what they deserve. That is that, justice may be overcome, but not mean forgiveness. With that in mind, justice may also lead to an understanding of their actions. In the text ‘I’m Not Scared’, Pino's actions in kidnapping Filippo were justified when he accidently shoots his son, Michelle. In this scenario, justice is served by getting what they deserved. “Papa was crying. He was stoking me. His hands red. A dark figure approached him." As this was after Pino had accidently shot his son, it shows the actions were justified. The resolution of getting what they deserved also occurs in other cases. In the novel ‘The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime’, Christopher Boone's father ells and frightens Christopher for misbehaving. The wrong and cruel actions by Ed Boone were justified when this caused Christopher to run away from home, causing distress for his father. The conflicts which occurred in both cases caused actions that may be seen as immoral. Justice was served, and both immoral actions were justified. Even