As a group we believe that Country A’s recession last year will lead to a crisis in the near future. A strong indication is Country A’s high Real interest rates (averaging 6%) as well as low levels of GDP. Goods and services remain at a low value, providing us with the belief that this country will not be able to financially support itself for long. Country A is 1/6th the size of the United States and attempting to maintain a floating currency exchange rate system. We feel this puts Country A at a disadvantage in general because they are not strong enough or large enough to maintain a floating currency exchange rate system. In turn, investment as a percentage of GDP decreased by 16.15% during last year’s recession, indicating skepticism in Country A’s overall economic stability. In this type of situation, Country A would be less likely to undergo a recession if they had enough reserves to make up for significant loss of investment. Unfortunately, reserves are lower than desired and create no financial backup for a Country already experiencing a recession.
Country B will not undergo a currency crisis in the near future.