Current & Emerging Technology
Running a start-up company is a fairly easy task to take with basic business administrative skills. The problem start to arise when the business is showing progress and growth and expansion is imminent. At this juncture of growth, two things unfold for the business. The business earns more profits due to customer base growth, also known as economies of scale and also the business may run into difficulties in the daily running, also known as diseconomy of scale (Ordóñez et al, 2012).
In Simple Gateways, growth is finally a reality and hence creeps in this diseconomy of scale. Communication is vital in any organization or company, and as such it is paramount that the communication be flawless. Communication in Simple Gateways is marred by a flawed system; this brings multiple problems to the company in terms of efficiency, accuracy and time management. Key stakeholders are affected negatively by the current inefficient system. Information is not easily disseminated between departments; this greatly hampers the progress of the company and promotes the redundancy in record keeping. Much improvement needs to be done to salvage the situation. Information should be readily available for all the stakeholders on demand. Whether it is between managers or subordinates, there should be a smooth and steady flow of information. There should be an effective system implemented for further future growth and efficiency. The current system at Simple Gateways is not ideal at all. There are time wastage, record redundancy and no security to its data. The system is not working for the company. An ideal system should cater to every need of the company; security, access and processing of documents should be flawless and efficient.
The best technological solution I propose Gateways RFP to use is to implement a distributed system. A distributed system is an application that has several autonomous components that are connected by a
References: Coulouris, G. F. (2012). Distributed systems: Concepts and design. Boston: Addison-Wesley. Langsford, A., & Moffett, J. D. (1993). Distributed systems management. Wokingham, Eng: Addison-Wesley. Misra, S., Misra, S. C., & Woungang, I. (2010). Selected topics in communication networks and distributed systems. Singapore: World Scientific. Ordóñez, . P. P., Tennyson, R. D., & Zhao, J. (2012). Global hospitality and tourism management technologies. Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference.