Highlight or circle the main topics covered in each paragraph in your article. SOURCE OF ARTICLE: http://www.delawareonline.com/story/news/local/2015/02/19/proposedbillbe efdelawaresvaccinationcode/23684261/ DATE OF ARTICLE:
2:18 p.m. EST February 19, 2015
Delaware's vaccination code *** This must be a healthrelated article that is at least 1 page long, from a reputable source, and gives/states factual and interesting information. Choose something that is of interest to you and that you can relate to your life. *** List FIVE (5) thoughts or ideas that you took from the article. 1. Delaware law states children can be exempt from the vaccines because of religious beliefs or if they have high chance of having a fatal reaction to the medication. 2.
In 2013, 94.8 percent of Delaware children ages 18 months to 35 months had at least one dose of the measles vaccine, About 98.7 percent had at least three doses of the diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough), or DTaP, vaccine and 92.3 percent had the chickenpox vaccine. 3.
State vaccination shows that only 0.8 percent of schoolage children are exempted from vaccines because of religious beliefs and 0.1 percent are not vaccinated due to medical reasons 4.
New proposal would amend the affidavit guardians must sign to obtain a
religious belief exemption to include a section explicitly stating the possible outcomes of not vaccinating children and that even if an unvaccinated child doesn't show symptoms, he or she could be barred from attending school if there was a vaccinepreventable outbreak in Delaware. 5. Parents still need to be reminded how quickly and potentially fatal these diseases could spread