When pupils discuss the problems that the current events bring to light, they not only problem solve, but think critically as well about the situations that the current events mention. In all, current events help children in their school careers through the essential skills that they develop through reading and studying current events.
Additionally, it is imperative for students to study current events is because through understanding current events children can create their own standpoints based on their own knowledge, not those solely backed by another person’s opinions, especially that of an adult they look up to. This is of paramount importance in a child’s school career because it is necessary for a person to have individual thoughts in childhood and adulthood in order to be successful in most cases instead of bandwagoning with the majority. With This, introducing these informed opinions instead of a biased opinion at a young age encourages students to create a more soundly backed opinion when the time comes for people to act upon their beliefs, such as voting for a president. If a group of individuals or a community of people just …show more content…
If you are taught about what happens in other places, the curiosity of knowing what is going on outside of where you live encourages you to seek out the truth in adulthood. A study done by the NCES stated that “Students who take classes that require them to pay attention to government, politics, or national issues reported increased interest in them outside of school” (NCES). This study done shows that teaching current events in the classroom have a direct effect on student’s interests outside of school relating to knowing about the world they live in. If a student learns about who is running for president at school, they might investigate how the election works, for example. Current events are a never-ending flow of knowledge that anyone can become interested in, no matter what you agree with or disagree with. So, whether you like sports or the arts, math or science, anybody can find something worth reading about or listening to on the endless news websites and television shows. This helps children use the news for school projects, and personal queries as well. Students can find something about anything they are interested in knowing, thanks to the constant spew of current events on the