Current Health Promotion Paper Pamphlet
Hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count (HELLP) syndrome is a dangerous complication of pregnancy. It is a severe form of preeclampsia and is most common in the third trimester of pregnancy. The cause of the disease is unknown, but the cure is the delivery of the infant and removal of the placenta. This illness can be challenging to diagnose and often presents in atypical fashion involving multiple organ systems. Due to lack of public awareness of this disease and atypical presentation and risk factors, it is important to provide health promotion information for the public on the potential complications. The Preeclampsia Foundation is a non-profit that provides health promotion pamphlets to health care providers on preeclampsia in its many forms. This information is provided free of charge for distribution to the provider’s at-risk patient population.
According to Gonzalo (2011), health promotion is human behavior focused on the attempt of achieving personal wellness. The health promotion model developed by Nola Pender is an example of how personal experiences influenced by nursing actions can motivate a patient in avoiding health complications. The nurse assists the patient in becoming their own advocate in preventing disease or illness. This is accomplished by giving the patient access to vital health information that may affect their personal health. Gonzalo (2011) states that the goal of this model is the patient to reach self efficacy in their health care decisions and wellness. By giving pregnant women access to the signs and symptoms of HELLP syndrome, women can be vigilant in personal health protection. This is important because the onset of HELLP syndrome can be sudden and potentially become life threatening for mother and baby if not addressed quickly. If this was to occur between prenatal appointments and the patient is not educated on