Upon reading the article “The Hot Spotters”, written by Atul Gwande it became apparent how our healthcare system has and continues to fail our patients in various ways. To begin with, our healthcare system is very fragmented due to the lack of collaboration, communication and coordination between care providers as well as health care facilities. Also, our healthcare system is more focused on the medical model and in some situations, neglects the importance of primary and preventative care. Lastly, the cost of healthcare is a topic that has been discussed endlessly. However, the fact is that the cost of medical care, drugs and devices is only escalating and is often left…
The three legs of the medical stool are costs, access and quality. There are many factors when some hospitals or health care in general would trade-off in these areas depending on the status of the patient, insurance and the situation. I feel that the one that is neglected the most is costs, this is why the GDP in healthcare is higher than any other contributor in the world. I believe that if the cost of insurance, procedures and medications were at a better rate or more affordable that a lot of people including the world wouldn’t have a high debt amount from hospital or healthcare bills. The downfall to that is the doctors want to get paid, so depending on what is done this can either effect the patient or the doctor. If the doctor gets impacted moneywise then this can typically lead to the lack of care for their patients. This isn’t always the case but at the end of the day there is no such thing as a free lunch.…
Every health care facility has their own managers and leaders for the proper functioning of that facility. The prosperity and future lays on these managers and leaders by their plans on long term strategy implication.Inadaequate staffing or staff shortage leads a major safety threat to patients as well as for the staff and as whole the total positive out come the facility. The staff shortage and increasing turn over results a significant reduction of beds available for service, cost increases and the quality of care delivered is decreasing. Identifying and maintaining adequate number of staff is very vital for the safe patient care delivery. One reason for this issue is aging force. Majority of nurses are aged and going to be retried soon. Another reason is nurses gets burned out because nursing is a very stressful job both physically and emotionally. The current economy status, massive reduction on nursing budget resulted on shortage of nurses. Also unsatisfied and poor working environment, increased work load leads increase absenteeism among staff. The increased workload affects the performances of staff and ultimately, the quality of nursing care will impact negatively. If the staff feel that they are not cared for, then it is difficult to take care their patients. Nurses likes to work in an environment with less stress and where they feel more esteemed.…
The article is based on the need to provide quality health care services to people all over the world. The paper also describes the factors that contribute towards the improvement in the quality of health care services provided by the major health care organizations.…
This is a summary of the past work done throughout this course, the content in this paper is mainly derived from the work in the papers that follow. In the first assignment APHI Consultancy Orientation Form, it gave me a brief introduction into what the project for the course was going to be. I picked the Medical Liaison because I thought it would be interesting to explore the different ways healthcare was made efficient in the region I chose of California. That then led into my first paper for the class which was The Limits of Healthcare. In that paper, I looked at the trends of physicians in the state such as numbers, salaries and hospital distribution, and if increasing then in the way it was done in the past should be done. I concluded that that course of action should not be taken because it would strain the healthcare system further and give the hospitals an unfair monopoly.…
IHS is a very complex organization that serves the American Indian and Alaskan Native population. Effective health services for American Indians and Alaskan Natives had to integrate the philosophies of the tribes with those of the medical community. Because not all tribes signed treaties with the United States some people with Indian heritage were not eligible to participate with the federal government programs. Eligible people with Indian heritage were provided various services throughout the IHS programs; however, some IHS locations did not have the necessary equipment or facilities to provide comprehensive services.…
In order to provide equitable and effective health care, clinicians need to be able to function effectively within the context of the cultural beliefs, behaviors, and needs of patients and their communities. Failing to support and foster culturally competent health care for racial and ethnic minorities can increase costs for individuals and society through increased hospitalizations and complications.…
In the late 1800s, knowledge on professional medical treatment was lacking and due to that there was not much support that was given to people who were sick by healthcare service. Medicine innovations started in early 20th century, with more advance procedures and surgeries was performed and hospitals begin to accept sick patients. In America alone the numbers of hospital from year 1875 to 1925 grew around 170 to 7,000. Today healthcare industry is facing massive changes in delivering healthcare services. Task the role of a hospital administrator is truly a difficult and demanding and it is indeed getting more and more tough. Healthcare industry is having a great competition and the expenses are remarkably high. Due to the transformation in…
There are some adjustments that need to be made in order for healthcare in this country to be more affordable and effective. One thing is to consider the time verses quality concept which is where the doctors see more given patients within a day and save time…
There has been a growing concern that health sector needs a huge attention today, not only from government, citizen, but also from many discipline of health care practices. In the recent year, in the United States which is a superpower country, the delivery of human services is still to be a constant puzzle for policy makers, practitioners, and academics (Mayhew, 2012). Health care delivery (including preventive and supportive care) in this country is challenged by demands of access, safety, quality, and cost (Giberson, et. al., 2011). Even though, many years before, these health care issues has been arised as Wilson D.E. stated that the year 1994 was one of great health care non-reform, although national legislation was enacted, states began to seek ways to deal seriously with the issues, primarily the cost, but also the quality of care (Institute of Medicine 25th Anniversary Symposium, 1996). The same thing is happened in the developing country, even worse. Such as in Indonesia, despite solid economic growth in recent years that has raised millions from poverty, Indonesia faces numerous healthcare challenges, from maternal mortality to vector-borne diseases such as malaria to malnutrition, and degenerative diseases associated with a population that is both ageing and living an increasingly sedentary lifestyle. (The Economist Intelligence Unit, 2010). Besides that, most of population in this country lives in rural areas making the delivery of health care services difficult, a system of community health centres is being developed in response to the needs of the rural community (Jacobalis S., 1989). This means that health care matter is still unresolved.…
Being a paramedic arriving to an emergency scene, the scout master is stuck in between rocks at the opening of a cave with young scouts trapped behind him that could drown if they are not out immediately. Every piece of the cave have been checked to see if there are alternate escape routes for them but there are none. The only way to get these kids out is to sacrifice the scout master.…
If present tendencies continue, two developments are likely to occur. First, the hospital will become a thoroughgoing creature of the marketplace. The financial bottom line will displace the clinical base line, wherever it not already done so. Hospital mergers “downsizing” and “shrinkages” are likely to accelerate. Hospital staff will continue to be replaced by machines wherever it is economically and technically feasible. The ideal patient will be one who’s got lots of insurance coverage, but isn’t particularly sick. Second, those without insurance coverage will receive less medical care. As private hospitals tighten admissions policies to maximize reimbursements, the poor and uninsured will be caught in a double bind. The cash-strapped public system will close its clinics or restrict access, cut back on services, and be generally less capable of providing quality care.…
I chose the Australian healthcare system as my topic because I found everyday on newspaper there are always some articles telling about the health reform in Australia or in the US. And just in June this year, the final report by the NHHRC (National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission) was released, in which it makes up to 123 recommendations towards the current healthcare system in Australia. It quite surprised me when I first read some of the recommendations because the problems revealed by the report were so severe and unbelievable. Before I did this project, I thought that the health system in Australia is quite wonderful and there could only be some tiny deficiencies in the system. However this report quite shocked me after I finished reading it.…
The government did not look at the logistics of implementation. We are going to need to hire more doctors and medical support staff. Build more offices and hospitals. Just making healthcare available to more people is not the only solution. The whole industry needs to be brought up to speed and prepared for tidal wave of new patients that are about to start bombarding doctors.…
There are many socio-economic factors that are likely to influence current health. If people are living in poor housing conditions which could mean that their health might not be so good, they could be given housing benefits to improve the conditions. If the area where you are living, the environment might not be very good, like the waste management could be bad. To stop this from happening, all the waste management could be recycled. In the urban areas, there will be easy access to health services; although this is a good thing, there can be a lot of pollution as there will be a lot of transport in the area. Whereas in rural areas, the area would be quite but you will not have easy access to health services. This would mean that if you are not well or needed to see a doctor, then you would have to go to a town to the doctors which would far away and expensive. To make it easier for people not to travel all the way to town to go to the doctors, they could provide doctors surgery in the rural area or could have a doctor that would be around the area all the time, like the district nurse.…