2-1. For the controlled (monitored) source shown in the figure, prepare a plot similar to that given in Fig. 2-8(b).
v1 = Vb (Vb
v1 = Va (Va
i2 Fig. 2-8 (b)
Open your book & see the figure (P/46)
It is voltage controlled current source.
+Ve axis
v2 -Ve axis gv1
gv1 +
v2 current source
2-2. Repeat Prob. 2-1 for the controlled source given in the accompanying figure.
Open your book & see the figure (P/46)
It is current controlled voltage source.
v2 ri1
2-3. The network of the accompanying figure is a model for a battery of open-circuit terminal voltage V and internal resistance Rb. For this network, plot i as a function v. Identify features of the plot such as slopes, intercepts, and so on.
Open your book & see the figure (P/46)
Terminal voltage v = V - iRb iRb = V - v i = (V - v )/Rb
When v = 0 i = (V - v )/Rb i = (V - 0 )/Rb i = V/Rb amp
When v = V i = (V - V )/Rb i = (0 )/Rb i = 0 amp
| v = 0 | i = V/R |
| v = V | i = 0 |
i V/Rb
V v
Slope: y = mx + c
(x1, y1) = (0, V/Rb)
(x2, y2) = (V, 0) m = (y2 – y1)/(x2 – x1) = (0 – V/Rb)/(V - 0) = (-V/Rb)/V = (-V/Rb)(1/V) = -1/Rb y-intercept = V/Rb x-intercept = V
| Slope | y-intercept | x-intercept |
| -1/Rb | V/Rb