Master of Arts in Education
Major in Educational Administration
Curriculum in Development
(Book Review)
In Partial fulfillment of the requirements in
Prepared for:
Prepared by:
Annie Jean Mae R. Camino
December 6, 2014
Annette Thijs & Jan ven den Akker
Curriculum in development discusses basic concepts in curriculum development and presents useful frames of thinking and strategies. This also refers to both the dynamic discussions that continuously take place across a wide range of curricular issues and the evolutionary thinking about concepts and approaches in curriculum development. Changes in society constantly demand new knowledge and skills and require the continuous development of our educational system. This book focuses on the following questions: How do processes of curriculum of curriculum development evolve? What actually is curriculum? And how to ensure the quality of curricular products? This book also provide the teachers, educators, policy makers and other parties involved in educational development with a clear and concise introduction into the tricks of the trade of curriculum development.
The very short definition of curriculum as “a plan for learning”, used by the American Hilda Taba in 1962 is reflected by related terms in many languages, including the classical Dutch term leerplan which permits all sort of elaboration for specific curricular levels, contexts and representations.
A first, extremely useful, distinction appears to be a specification of the level of curriculum and curriculum development namely: SUPRA, MACRO, MESO, MICRO, NANO. A second, clarifying distinction concerns the different forms in which curricula can be represented in the following three levels: intended, implemented and attained. The core and the ninethreads of the
References: Akker, J. van den (2003). Curriculum perspectives: An introduction. In J. van den Akker, W. Kuiper & U. Hameyer (Eds.), Curriculum landscapes and trends (pp. 1-10). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Akker, J. van den (2006). Curriculum development reinvented. In J. Letschert (Ed.), Curriculum development re-invented. Proceedings of the invitational conference on the occasion of 30 years SLO 1975-2005 (pp. 16-29). Enschede: SLO. Akker, J. van den (2009). Curriculum design research. In Tj. Plomp & N. Nieveen (Eds.), An introduction to educational design research (pp. 37-51). Enschede: SLO Akker, J. van den, & Kuiper, W. (2007). Research on models for instructional design. In J.M. Spector, M.D. Merrill, J. van Merrienboer, & M.P. Driscoll (Eds.), Handbook of research for educational communications and technology (pp.739-748). New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Ball, D.L., & Cohen, D.K. (1996). Reform by the book: What is - or might be – the role of curriculum materials in teacher learning and instructional reform? Educational Researcher, 25 (9), 6-8.