Unit Outline
13474 Supply Chain Information Management 201 Trimester 2A, 2013
Unit study package number: Mode of study: Tuition pattern summary: 13474 Internal Lecture: 1 x 1.5 Hours Weekly Computer Laboratory: 1 x 1.5 Hours Weekly This unit does not have a fieldwork component. Credit Value: Pre-requisite units: Co-requisite units: Anti-requisite units: Result type: Approved incidental fees: Unit coordinator: 25.0 Nil Nil 11955 (v.0) Introduction to Logistics 201 or any previous version Grade/Mark Information about approved incidental fees can be obtained from our website. Visit f ees.curtin.edu.au/incidental_fees.cfm for details. Name: Phone: Email: Building: Room: Name: Email: Building: Name: Phone: Email: Building: Room: Don Griffiths +618 9266 7691 Don.Griffiths@cbs.curtin.edu.au 402 907 Keng Seng Choong Kengseng.Choong@curtin.edu.au Unknown Julie Kivuyo 9266 7056 julie.kivuyo@curtin.edu.au 402 Front Office, L8
Teaching Staff:
Administrative contact:
13474 Supply Chain Information Management 201 Singapore Campus 11 Jul 2013 School of Information Systems, Curtin Business School
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Curtin Business School School of Information Systems
Acknowledgement of Country
We respectfully acknowledge the Indigenous Elders, custodians, their descendants and kin of this land past and present.
An introduction to the concept of logistics and its role in the overall supply chain. Logistics as the management of bi-directional flow of goods, services and information between point of origin and point of consumption. Overview of some typical logistics activities and related information management: transportation, inventory management, supply management, warehouse management, material handling, order processing and customer service. Also looks at impact of globalization and information technology advancements. Includes ethics and