Kematian Tahanan Dalam Penjara: Adakah Siasatan Terhadapnya Memadai?
Ma Kalthum Ishak En Noorfajri Bin Ismail
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Custodial death means a death in custody of a police or other authorities. This issue had always become a favorite issue to be discussed as it involved the interest of the public; especially the bereaved family members. Although under the Criminal Procedure Code, inquest into deaths in custody is mandatory, in reality, very few inquests are conducted. The concern arises as to how the police carry out the investigation as it involved their own people. Lack of information from the police involved and delaying the investigation may led to injustice. A system in which police investigate police related death undermines public confidence, is fundamentally flawed and a breach of human right obligations. Jurisdictions such as Northern Ireland, England and Wales, Ontario and New Zealand have moved to establish a system under which police related deaths are independently investigated. Thus, an independent body must be formed to investigate the cases thoroughly and diligently so as to make sure that justice can be hold. The formation of this body can assure the transparency and accountability of the investigation and put the public at rest despite of wondering whether the investigation is conducted fairly.
Keywords: custodial death, investigation, independent body
Kematian dalam tahanan bermaksud kematian dalam jagaan polis atau pihak berkuasa lain.Isu ini telah sentiasa menjadi satu isu yang kegemaran untuk dibincangkan kerana ia melibatkan kepentingan awam, terutamanya ahli keluarga berkabung. Walaupun Kanun Tatacara Jenayah menetapkan bahawa inkues kematian dalam tahanan adalah wajib, namun realiitnya, sangat sedikit inkues dijalankan. Kebimbangan timbul terhadap bagaimana polis menjalankan siasatan kerana ia melibatkan pihak polis sendiri.