Enhanced Customer Data Repository is a secure and fully supported data repository with problem determination tools and functions. It updates problem management records (PMR) and maintains full data life cycle management.
· combination of all the internal structured business data (CRM, ERP, POS and all the internal system data) and external unstructured data ( Social media data, feedback surveys, Audios, Videos, streaming data, Call center data, images)
· unmanageable volumes by traditional databases
· enormous speed at which it comes into the organization.
Today, most organizations are still struggling to unlock the full value of this Big data that is available to them. From internet to mobile and social, the amount of customer data is continuously growing.
Company’s ability to extract value from big data through smart analytics will be the key to their business success.
Channel based marketing is a least priority now. The increased amount of data available at individual customer level has allowed companies to do a personal marketing. But all this customer data out there is worthless if you can’t process it & turn it into actionable intelligence.
With Big data platforms helping in collection, integration, and transformation of large volumes of data, companies can conduct complex and varied analysis on much larger datasets and reduce the time to action and reaction to customer needs.
Organizations can now impact the entire customer life cycle and every interaction by being well prepared for each interaction, shaping the interaction in real time as it happens and driving the huge improvements across all the channels for next interaction.
By listening to the data as a signal from customers and working to personalize the experience for the customer, creates the value for the customer as well as business.
Some examples of enhancing the customer experience using Big data Analytics:
· Retail giants are using Big data to personalize