Under the modern marketing concept all marketing activities have to centre the consumer. Effective marketing therefore requires a clear picture of the consumer characteristics. Hence, it is the duty of business concern to study such factors to understand the consumer’s preference.
Indian automobile industry is an ever growing industry. The industry has changed from being a seller’s market to a buyer’s market. Brand and media proliferation, information book and easy assess to a wide variety of brands, have all had a significant impact on the buying behavior of consumers, who are now clearly seeking value over price.
The problem of today’s business is no more on production area but only in marketing area. Marketing of products involves so many aspects including the study of consumers, their choice and preference and goodwill for their products in the market. An attempt to buy the products. However, it is true that there are number of factors affecting the buying behavior of consumers.
The purchase of action that is visible may be regret of interplay of a number of complex and hidden variables which may have influenced the ultimate purchase activity. The final purchase is just one activity in the entire series of physical and mental activities that may have occurred in this whole process. Because all these activities exert influence on the purchase they are considered a part of consumer behaviour.
Today’s world is subject to rapid changes in technology, consumer’s tastes are also characterized by fast changes. To survive in the market a firm has to be constantly innovating and understanding the latest consumer trend and taste.
The primary work of the business in the olden days was to concentrate only on production areas. But the trend today is totally different as the importance of a product is closely to its operation. In a competitive world a business, which pays little importance to marketing, can never