Short of expectation = Unsatisfied customer
Matches expectation = Highly satisfied customer
A short of expectation means an unsatisfied customer while a matched expectation means a highly satisfied customer. Customer satisfaction is the relationship of perceived performance to expectation. It is a form of expectation of value on some factors like wide array of products, excellent brand quality (reliability, durability, performance), moderate prices, good services and personnel and corporate image. Some of the influencers of buyer’s expectations are their past buying experience, friends, associates advice, marketers and competitors’ information and promises.
Perceived Performance – Buyer’s Expectation = Satisfaction
Buyer’s satisfaction is a function of the product’s perceived performance and the buyer’s expectation. High satisfaction creates an emotional affinity with the brand, not just a rational preference. The result is high customer loyalty.
There are some ways on how to achieve highly satisfied customers. Customerizing is one way which is to make a company more responsive to its customers and to be able to attract new one by practicing a strong customer orientation. Another way is tracking customer’s expectations, perceived company performance and customer satisfaction. Companies should also monitor their competitors’ performance. Customer satisfaction must be a goal and a marketing tool of the company. There are also measurement techniques to monitor customer satisfaction. It is through periodic surveys, customer loss rate, mystery shopper or ghost shopping and competitors’ performance.
Customer Satisfaction will also depend on quality. Quality is the totality of features and characteristics of products or services that satisfy stated or implied needs.