References: Anderson, E. Fornell, C & Lehmann, D (1994) Customer satisfaction, market share, and profitability: Findings from Sweden. Journal of Marketing, Vol. 58 (3), pg. 53 (14 pgs). Anderson, E and Fornell, C (2000) foundation of the American customer satisfaction index. Total Quality Management, Vol. 11 (7), p. S869 (14 pages) Armstrong, M (1997) Competition in Telecommunications Bagozzi, Richard P. and Youjae Yi (1988). “On the Evaluation of Structural Equation Models,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 16 (Spring), 74-94 Baines, P Balaji, (2009) Customer Satisfaction with Indian Mobile Services. Journal of Management Research. Vol. 8, (10) ; p. 52 (11 pages) Bryman, A BUSINESS MONITOR INTERNATIONAL (2010) United Kingdom Telecommunications Report Q1 2010. Published by Business Monitor International Ltd . February 2010. London. Buttle, F (2009) Customer Relationship Management. 2ed. Oxford: Elsevier Ltd. Chau, P. and Hu, P. (2001) Information technology acceptance by individual professionals: A model comparison approach. Decision Sciences,Vol. 32, (4), pp. 699- 719. Danaher, P and Gallagher, R (1997) Modelling customer satisfaction in Telecom New Zealand. European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 31 (2), pp. 122-133. DATA BASE MARKETING INSTITUE (2007) Churn reduction in the telecom industry [WWW]. Data base Marketing Institute. Available from: [Accessed 09/06/2010] Dubrovski, D (2001) The role of customer satisfaction in achieving business excellence. Total Quality Management, Vol. 12 (7,8), pg. 920. Dyson, R (2004) Strategic development and SWOT analysis at the University of Warwick European Journal of Operational Research Eljam, B (2005) Customer satisfaction with cellular network performance: Issues and analysis (PhD), Iowa State University. Field, A (2005) Discovering Statistics Using SPSS. 2nd ed. London: SAGE Publications LTD. Fildes, N (2010) Telefónica 's O2 takes on BT in fixed-line sector. Times online, 15th Jan, 2010. FINANCIAL TIMES (2010) UK merger of mobile operators is approved [WWW]. Available from:[Accessed 25/04/2010] Fornell, C. Johnson, M, Anderson, E. Cha, J. and Bryant, B (1996) the American customer satisfaction Index: Nature, purpose, and findings. Journal of Marketing, Vol, 60 (4), p.7 (12 pgs). Gravetter, F and Wallnau, L (2007) Statistic for the Behavioural Science. 7th ed. USA: Thomson Higher Education. Goode, M. Davis, F. Moutinho, L and Jamal, A (2005) Determining Customer Satisfaction From Mobile Phones: A Neural Network Approach. Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 21 (7,8), pp. 755-778. Hsu, J. and Hsu, C (2008) The Relationships Between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in a Leading Chinese Web 2.0 Company. The Business Review, Cambridge, Vol. 11 (1) pg. 84, 6 pgs. Hughes, A.M. (2007), “Churn reduction in the telecom industry”, available at: ¼ node/29 (accessed 1 March 2008). Jobber, D (2007) Principles and Practice of Marketing Kerr, A. Hall, H. and Kozub, S.(2002) Doing statistics with SPSS. London: SAGE publication ltd Kerr, A and Vitorovich, L (2010) U.K Keynote (2005) Domestic Telecommunications 2005. Hampton: Keynote. Keynote (2007) Mobile telecommunications. July 2007. Hampton: Keynote. Keynote (2009) Mobile marketing. October 2009. Hampton: Keynote. Keynote (2010) Mobile Phones. May 2010. Hampton: Keynote. Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. (2004) Principles of Marketing. 10th ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. (2008) Principles of Marketing. 12th ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Kuusik, A and Varblane, U (2009) How to avoid customers leaving: the case of the Estonian telecommunication industry. Baltic Journal of Management, Vol. 4 (1), pg. 66. Lancaster, G (2005) Research Methods in Management. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann Publications. Mcdaniel, C. and Gates, R (2004) Marketing Research Essentials. 4th ed. USA: John Wiley & Sons. Mintel (2009) Telecoms - UK - April 2009. UK: Mintel. Mintel (2009) Shampoos and Conditioners - UK - June 2009. UK: Mintel. Mintel (2010) Mobile Phones and Networks - Re-igniting The Replacement Cycle - UK - January 2010 UK: Mintel. MOBILE DATA ASSOCIATION (2010) UK sends 11 million text messages an hour [WWW]. Available from: [Accessed date 24/04/2010] NATIONAL STATISTICS (2010) GDP Growth [WWW]. Available form: [Accessed date 13/04/2010] Published on 30 March 2010 at 9:30 am NATIONAL STATISTICS (2010) Employment rate falls to 72.2% [WWW] Available from: [Accessed date 13/04/2010] Published on 17 March 2010 at 9:30 am NATIONAL STATISTICS (2010) National Projections UK population to exceed 65m by 2018 [WWW] [Accessed date 13/04/2010] Published on 21 October 2009 at 9:30 am NATIONAL STATISTICS (2010) GDP Growth UK output increases by 0.2% [WWW] Available from: [Accessed date 24/04/2010] Published on 23 April 2010 at 9:30 am OFCOM (2010) Ofcom: a short guide to what we do [WWW] Pujari, D. and Wright, G. (1996) Developing environmentally conscious product strategies: a qualitative study of selected companies in Germany and Britain . Marketing intelligence & Planning. Vol, 14. Iss(1), pp.19-28. Quee ,W. (1999) Marketing research. 3rd ed. Kent: oxford. Sekaran, U (2003) Research methods for business. 4th ed. New York :John Wiley &Sons Ltd. Sekaran, U and Bougie, R.(2010) Research methods for business Sharma, N and Ojha, S (2004) Measuring Service Performance in Mobile Communications. The Service Industries Journal, Vol. 24 (6), p.109 Shiu, E THE INDEPENDENT (2008) Mobile phones 'more dangerous than smoking ' [WWW]. Available from: THE OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS (2009) The Communications Market 2009 [WWW]. Available from: [Accessed 15/04/2010]
References: Anderson, E. Fornell, C & Lehmann, D (1994) Customer satisfaction, market share, and profitability: Findings from Sweden. Journal of Marketing, Vol. 58 (3), pg. 53 (14 pgs). Anderson, E and Fornell, C (2000) foundation of the American customer satisfaction index. Total Quality Management, Vol. 11 (7), p. S869 (14 pages) Armstrong, M (1997) Competition in Telecommunications Bagozzi, Richard P. and Youjae Yi (1988). “On the Evaluation of Structural Equation Models,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 16 (Spring), 74-94 Baines, P Balaji, (2009) Customer Satisfaction with Indian Mobile Services. Journal of Management Research. Vol. 8, (10) ; p. 52 (11 pages) Bryman, A BUSINESS MONITOR INTERNATIONAL (2010) United Kingdom Telecommunications Report Q1 2010. Published by Business Monitor International Ltd . February 2010. London. Buttle, F (2009) Customer Relationship Management. 2ed. Oxford: Elsevier Ltd. Chau, P. and Hu, P. (2001) Information technology acceptance by individual professionals: A model comparison approach. Decision Sciences,Vol. 32, (4), pp. 699- 719. Danaher, P and Gallagher, R (1997) Modelling customer satisfaction in Telecom New Zealand. European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 31 (2), pp. 122-133. DATA BASE MARKETING INSTITUE (2007) Churn reduction in the telecom industry [WWW]. Data base Marketing Institute. Available from: [Accessed 09/06/2010] Dubrovski, D (2001) The role of customer satisfaction in achieving business excellence. Total Quality Management, Vol. 12 (7,8), pg. 920. Dyson, R (2004) Strategic development and SWOT analysis at the University of Warwick European Journal of Operational Research Eljam, B (2005) Customer satisfaction with cellular network performance: Issues and analysis (PhD), Iowa State University. Field, A (2005) Discovering Statistics Using SPSS. 2nd ed. London: SAGE Publications LTD. Fildes, N (2010) Telefónica 's O2 takes on BT in fixed-line sector. Times online, 15th Jan, 2010. FINANCIAL TIMES (2010) UK merger of mobile operators is approved [WWW]. Available from:[Accessed 25/04/2010] Fornell, C. Johnson, M, Anderson, E. Cha, J. and Bryant, B (1996) the American customer satisfaction Index: Nature, purpose, and findings. Journal of Marketing, Vol, 60 (4), p.7 (12 pgs). Gravetter, F and Wallnau, L (2007) Statistic for the Behavioural Science. 7th ed. USA: Thomson Higher Education. Goode, M. Davis, F. Moutinho, L and Jamal, A (2005) Determining Customer Satisfaction From Mobile Phones: A Neural Network Approach. Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 21 (7,8), pp. 755-778. Hsu, J. and Hsu, C (2008) The Relationships Between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in a Leading Chinese Web 2.0 Company. The Business Review, Cambridge, Vol. 11 (1) pg. 84, 6 pgs. Hughes, A.M. (2007), “Churn reduction in the telecom industry”, available at: ¼ node/29 (accessed 1 March 2008). Jobber, D (2007) Principles and Practice of Marketing Kerr, A. Hall, H. and Kozub, S.(2002) Doing statistics with SPSS. London: SAGE publication ltd Kerr, A and Vitorovich, L (2010) U.K Keynote (2005) Domestic Telecommunications 2005. Hampton: Keynote. Keynote (2007) Mobile telecommunications. July 2007. Hampton: Keynote. Keynote (2009) Mobile marketing. October 2009. Hampton: Keynote. Keynote (2010) Mobile Phones. May 2010. Hampton: Keynote. Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. (2004) Principles of Marketing. 10th ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. (2008) Principles of Marketing. 12th ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Kuusik, A and Varblane, U (2009) How to avoid customers leaving: the case of the Estonian telecommunication industry. Baltic Journal of Management, Vol. 4 (1), pg. 66. Lancaster, G (2005) Research Methods in Management. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann Publications. Mcdaniel, C. and Gates, R (2004) Marketing Research Essentials. 4th ed. USA: John Wiley & Sons. Mintel (2009) Telecoms - UK - April 2009. UK: Mintel. Mintel (2009) Shampoos and Conditioners - UK - June 2009. UK: Mintel. Mintel (2010) Mobile Phones and Networks - Re-igniting The Replacement Cycle - UK - January 2010 UK: Mintel. MOBILE DATA ASSOCIATION (2010) UK sends 11 million text messages an hour [WWW]. Available from: [Accessed date 24/04/2010] NATIONAL STATISTICS (2010) GDP Growth [WWW]. Available form: [Accessed date 13/04/2010] Published on 30 March 2010 at 9:30 am NATIONAL STATISTICS (2010) Employment rate falls to 72.2% [WWW] Available from: [Accessed date 13/04/2010] Published on 17 March 2010 at 9:30 am NATIONAL STATISTICS (2010) National Projections UK population to exceed 65m by 2018 [WWW] [Accessed date 13/04/2010] Published on 21 October 2009 at 9:30 am NATIONAL STATISTICS (2010) GDP Growth UK output increases by 0.2% [WWW] Available from: [Accessed date 24/04/2010] Published on 23 April 2010 at 9:30 am OFCOM (2010) Ofcom: a short guide to what we do [WWW] Pujari, D. and Wright, G. (1996) Developing environmentally conscious product strategies: a qualitative study of selected companies in Germany and Britain . Marketing intelligence & Planning. Vol, 14. Iss(1), pp.19-28. Quee ,W. (1999) Marketing research. 3rd ed. Kent: oxford. Sekaran, U (2003) Research methods for business. 4th ed. New York :John Wiley &Sons Ltd. Sekaran, U and Bougie, R.(2010) Research methods for business Sharma, N and Ojha, S (2004) Measuring Service Performance in Mobile Communications. The Service Industries Journal, Vol. 24 (6), p.109 Shiu, E THE INDEPENDENT (2008) Mobile phones 'more dangerous than smoking ' [WWW]. Available from: THE OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS (2009) The Communications Market 2009 [WWW]. Available from: [Accessed 15/04/2010]