To me I believe that Customs and Courtesies are one of the main fundamentals of military life custom and curtsies are the glue that holds the United States Armed Forces together. Customs and Courtesies dates back to the inception of the military service, and are one of the defining features of a professional within that service the idea that at any point in time that they can be lapsed, forgotten about is ludicrous; it would undermine spirit de corps. First I will attempt to define what is customs and curtsies second show its history , thirdly by showing good customs and courtesies it facilitate good order and discipline in the Armed Forces ., for without customs and courtesies we would have chaos and be ineffective …show more content…
as an Armed Force.
I define custom and Courtesies pertaining to the Armed Forces is as a way of acting in a particular manner over a long period of time that has come like law (a way of life), it’s vital for the maintenance of discipline.
A courtesy is a form of polite behavior and excellence manners. For example on such Courtesy is the Hand Salute the salute is a symbol of respect and a sign of comradeship among service personnel. The salute is simple and dignified; but, there is great significance in that gesture. It is a time-honored demonstration of courtesy among all military personnel that expresses mutual respect and Pride, Another custom and courtesy is Rendering Honor to the flag, the flag of the United States is the symbol of our nation. The union, white stars on a field of blue, is the honor point of the flag. The union of the flag and the flag itself, when in company with other flags, are always given the honor position, which is on the right. When the flag is being raised in the morning, you should stand at attention on the first note of "Reveille" and salute. In the evening "Retreat" is played prior to "To the Colors." (""Colors" refer to the flag of the United States and can also include the unit …show more content…
Another custom and courtesy is that is widely enforced in the ranks of the Enlisted and the Non-Commissioned Officers rank that facilitates good order and self discipline in the United States Army is, when speaking to or addressed by a noncommissioned officer of superior rank, immediately go to the position of parade rest, until ordered otherwise.
When an NCO of superior rank enters a room, the first soldier to recognize the NCO calls the room to “at ease” in which case all movement will cease and those within the room will assume the position of parade rest until given the order to “carry on”; The only instance in which a room will not be called to “at ease” is that in the case where a higher ranking NCO... these are but a few examples of what the Armed forces is built upon these customs and courtesies and much more. Without this basis of mutual respect, there can be no military courtesy, and disharmony will result. In my final analysis, military customs and courtesy is the respect shown to each other by members of the same
The History of Customs and Courtesies date back to the inception of the military service, there has also been a need for order within the ranks of the Armed forces. Customs and courtesies within the world's Armed forces have been passed down and developed by tradition, yet also they are part of the social group dynamics which helps maintain order as well as morale and discipline amongst the ranks of those who serve in a nation's armed forces. At its most rudimentary level, any military force is an organization. No organization that has ever existed has thrived or prospered without a significant measure of order. For without order, there is no escaping chaos and disorganization.
Customs, Courtesies and Traditions see Army Regulation 600-20, Army Command Policy, paragraph 4-3; AR 600-25, Salutes, Honors and Visits of Courtesy; DA Pam 600-60, A Guide to Protocol and Etiquette; and FM 3-21.5, Drill and Ceremonies.