Serena experienced the dehumanization first hand. She learned very quickly that women were completely oppressed and that she would have to conform during her stay if she wanted to stay safe. Hasina insisted that she always keep her head scarf on when in public even though she a is slightly more abstinent than others and doesn’t typically wear her burqa in public. When Serena decided to try to wear the burqa to go to the …show more content…
Women are suffering from a lack or rights all over the world. The article “Unfulfilled Promises” emphasizes how women are suffering from “an increased absence and exclusion from public life” and “mass poverty among women who are widowed.” In many countries, women are denied political power, education, and health care. Physical and mental abuse is on the rise all over the world. I was shocked to learn that even in the United States, there are 270,000 rapes per year. The wage gap is another issue that affects women around the world, including myself. Women are making far less compared to men for the same exact