It seems like we’re always been told to cut down on sugar, but for many of us, that’s easier to do. According to Lisa Drayer, nutritionist and author of “ The Beauty Diet,” some bread contain six grams of sugar per slice. Some pasta sauces may contain up to 12 grams of sugar per serving, and some low fat salad dressings, which people might associate with healthy eating, can contain 10 grams of sugar per serving. Furthermore, Natural Sugar are found in foods like fruit and milk, in the form of fructose and lactose.…
Excess sugar causes obesity as well as a plethora of illnesses, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease and cancer. If you want to locate the…
The author, Konie explains to us that sugar is essential to good health. Konie gives us life events in which sugars are essential to our health. Although she says sugar is essential to good health she also mentions, “I'm not trying to promote a candy fest or soda pop binge.” This quote that she used is clarifying that although some sugar can benefit our health not all sugars are good for us. We still need to watch out for junk foods.…
This article informs the readers of the negative effects that added sugar in the diet has on a person and what the differences between natural sugars and added sugars are. The healthy amount of added sugar daily is recommended, and the statistics on the average amount of added sugar consumed per capita annually is examined. The addictive qualities of sugar are also touched upon. The author of this article, Kris Gunnars, is the CEO and founder of the article’s website; Authority Nutrition, and possesses a bachelor degree in medicine…
Every family has a significant family tradition that is celebrated for many generations. My family’s favorite tradition is the annual Syrup Sopping Day at Loachapoka. It is an outdoor fall festival that has been celebrated in Loachapoka for 44 years. Syrup Sopping is an important tradition to my family, because it is a day when my family comes together and celebrate the historical culture that surrounds the town of Loachapoka.…
Since everyone has to eat something in order to survive it just makes you think about how much sweets you eat. Here are a few things that I do agree with. The studies that the Chicago Tribune included were really interesting not only that but it was helpful to know about these topics. Now these studies were credible because they were done by institutes that had a lot of knowledge on that topic. A study that stood out the most to me was that 71% of Americans get more than the recommended amount of sugar per day (Chicago Tribune, par. 7). This statistic sort of makes you take a step back and see if you are a part of that…
The body makes glucose by breaking down carbohydrates, proteins and fats. 15% of the American diet consists of added sugar. Sweetened beverages are the leading source of added sugar in the United States. There is a clear correlation between high sugar consumption and obesity and bad heart health. In laboratory experiments artificial sweeteners added to a rat’s diet caused their body’s to become confused and caused weight loss. The intensity of sweeteners can actually lead to a “sweet tooth” which makes the individual crave sugar and eat more than necessary. Children who are raised on sugar will live on…
As described by the documentary when removing the fat from the product, you are also removing the flavor, thus sugar is added to give the public another reason to crave it. Although sugar may be the villain the main obstacle isn’t sugar itself rather sugar education. If costumers where made aware of not just its addictive properties they would possibly make healthier selections at the checkout counter. One of the film’s experts even referred to sugar as “chronic, dose- dependent” liver…
America is slipping further and further into health crisis and no one is being responsible for their part in it. While watching this documentary I was not only shocked by what I was hearing and learning, but disgusted by it. Taking notes on facts and statements being said I ended up with a variety of things that I wrote down. Anything from scary real facts to statements made comparing food to lethal drugs and the food industry to that of the Tabaco industry. There are several facts and/or statements that I want to point out, the main one being sugar.…
However, it has also been proven that sugar is the is one of the main culprits in the war on obesity, and over 30% of US citizens are obese As a consequence, there are different types of sugar that are better if used if not at all, the sugars that we should avoid completely are processed sugars. Professor Robert Lustig, professor of paediatric endocrinology at University of California, San Francisco, author of Fat Chance: The Bitter Truth About Sugar said, instead satisfying us, some scientists believe that fructose fools our brains into thinking we are not full, so we overeat, and what do scientists believe is the main culprit behind obesity Cancer Heart disease, and many other diseases. Another factor that should conjure us not to go the…
I agree with this article. Many people try to not eat a boatload of candy on Halloween, but it’s just so hard to resist. They end up with a sugar high and have no idea how to counteract it. This article is helpful for people of all ages. I now know what to do if I go on a sugar binge and how to cure the…
-The amount of sugar being consumed by drinking soda is not good for your health.…
2) The second way is to buy for a reasonable price a complete and professional cookbook. How would you feel if you had a collection of 500 different diabetic recipes? With such a specific cookbook, it will be very easy to cut down on the sugar in your diet. Download an awesome collection of over 500 Diabetics Recipes including desserts, entrees, snacks and…
Good practice Use less sugar in recipes, serve fruit-based or dairy-based desserts instead of cakes and biscuits which often contain lots of added sugar. Restrict access to sugar to be added to hot drinks. When choosing prepared products, check the label and choose those products lower in sugar.…
Central Idea: Many sugars have detrimental effects on our body and it is important that we pay closer attention to avoiding these foods.…