Government Research Paper
Cyber-bullying is becoming increasingly popular with teens. It has been proven by experts that bullying that takes place over social media, has become more dangerous and worse than school yard bullying. The victim that is being targeted is able to be reached at any point of the day due to the advancement of technology and ways of communication. Cyber-bullying is becoming a big issue in American the society today, and it’s up to the government to make more strict regulations. Cyber-bulling is a form of harassment that is implicated via social networking such us; mobile phones, social network, email chat rooms, or a form of instant messaging. Also, cyber-bullying comes in different types; verbal abuse, emotional abuse, personal issues, threats or even showing embarrassing or inappropriate photos. Abuse like this can impact a teens daily life in many different ways. Lack of confidence, anxiety, and depression are three common affects that cyber-bullying has. Not only the victim themselves, but also their peers, and family are affected when they see their loved one being abused and harassed in such a way. The dominate question they ask themselves, is, what can they do to help solve the problem. In September 2006, the ABC news station constructed a survey prepared by “I-Safe.Org”, this survey of 1,500 interviewed students in grades 4-8. Shockingly 42% of kids that use online services have at one time been bullied. Also, one in every four have had it occur more than just one time. 35% of kids have at one time, been threatened online. 58% of kids admit that someone online has said mean, or harmful things to them. “I-Safe.Org.” school districts are having to become more strict on resources and technology at school because of all of the bullying that has been taking place on school property. Principals are required to report any source of bullying to school district, and