Over the past decade social media has become accustomed to our everyday lives. It is the way we communicate everyday through e-mail, texting, instant messaging, social networks, face time, and etc. Some people cannot live without social media because they feel no connection to the real world without it. We have lost face to face contact and that has made a huge impact on our generation. People have forgotten what it is like to write a letter to loved ones, hearing a voice on the other end of the line, and how to have a face-to-face conversation with another person. Social media and technology has ruined human relationships with one another and made it difficult to define a person 's true personality. People should not support using social media because it has brought greater danger to people who are bullied, also known as cyber-bullying. Anything said, written, or displayed on the internet is permanently there once it is posted. It is possible to delete any posts off of an account but it does not mean it has been completely taken off the internet. The same goes for text messages, even though text messages may be deleted on a cell phone, old text messages can still be brought up and printed out through the phone carrier. This has become a big issue with bullying because bullies feel that they can say whatever they want without having any consequences because they aren’t saying these words to the victim in person. It has become so easy for bullies to be anonymous with all of these new social networks such as, where people can ask questions or state opinions anonymously to one individual on their page. According to Susan Tardanico, a contributor to Forbes Magazine, "Awash in technology, anyone can hide behind the text, the e-mail, the Facebook post or the tweet, projecting any image they want and creating an illusion of their choosing." This is completely true because many victims pretend as if they are happy and nothing is going on but in reality they are
Cited: Donegan, Richard. "Bullying and Cyberbullying: History, Statistics, Law, Prevention, and Analysis." The Elon Journal of Undergraduate Research in Communications 3.1 (2012): 33-42. Web. Apr. 5.
Jones, Haley. "Social Media 's Affect on Human Interaction." HASTAC. N.p., 7 June 2013. Web. 05 Apr. 2014.
Tardanico, Susan. "Is Social Media Sabotaging Real Communication?" Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 30 Apr. 2012. Web. 31 Mar. 2014.