Monira Alosaimi
Dhahran Ahliyya School
A person may think a word or two that are typed up on the internet won’t affect anyone, she/he (they) might think there would be a billion comments and no one would pay attention to the one she/he (they) wrote; but guess what? People read these comments and they do get affected by it. With what the harsh comment that person wrote, she/he just cyber bullied someone. Although cyber bullying may not be taken seriously, it is wildly rampant, affects youngster negatively and must be stopped. (2004) defines cyber bullying as "when one child targets another using interactive technology,” Cyber bullying is spreading fast, and becoming widely rampant. Teenagers are becoming to think that hurting someone online is normal. A survey was conducted in Dhahran Ahliyya School, asking if the students have ever cyber bullied, and the result were 42% of the students said yes and 58% of them said no. The survey shows how big of a problem it’s become. (National Crime Prevention Council, 2010) Cyber bullying is a widespread problem and its possessions can be fatal. One of the reasons that cyber bullying is increasing, is because the internet is the perfect place for bullies, the obscurity, simplicity of aggravation helps one to bully because they know they can’t get caught. As Mooney clarified (Macfee survey, 2012) "Kids know not to talk to strangers, It's one of the first lessons you teach them. But online, there's a sense of trust and anonymity, so kids let their guard down.” Numerous teenagers are going online and attacking each other and they don’t get wedged, which encourages others to do the same. Finally, almost the entire globe uses the internet, which means a lot of people have the option to cyber bully, causing it to enlarge.
Like all forms of bulling, cyber bulling has numerous negative effects on its victims. “Kids that are bullied are