Cyberspace has brought tremendous changes to human lives since its emergence. Gibson (1982) in his short story ‘Burning Chrome’ coined the term ‘cyberspace’ to a computer generated virtual reality. According to him, cyberspace is the name of a real non-space world, which is characterized by the ability for virtual presence of and interaction between, people through ‘icons, waypoints and artificial realities’.
Through the Internet major development paves way in society. The Internet creates new ways for citizens to communicate, come together, and share information of a social nature. It is obvious that the Internet has and will continue to change the way people live.
Every day, the Internet expands by the social, political, and economic activities of people all over the world, and its impact can be seen everywhere. In this present time there is no geographical separation or borders that can hinder people to communicate elsewhere. All people now can participate and contribute drawing on their experiences and resources.
In cyberspace, actions and reactions are essentially instantaneous, and this is why the Internet is so gratifying and attractive. This is why it has impacted society in almost all areas of human endeavor. As in