Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, {Bi-Monthly}, ISSN2249-9598, Volume-III, Issue-IV, July-Aug 2013
Need to understand Cyber Crime’s Impact over national Security in India: A case study
P.R. Patil and D.V. Bhosale Dept. of Defence & Strategic Studies, Tuljaram Chaturchand College, Baramati, DistPune, Maharashtra, India
This Study focuses on how cyber crime is significant enough to become national security priority and how environment in India is vulnerable for cyber attack. This vulnerable environment can exploit by the hacker and may be that will be any national security issue all over the country. Information is powerful tool in today’s planet. This paper addresses the cyber threats and the awareness of the people regarding the same. Through interviews of student, Teachers (of computer science), Bank Employees, Information Security Professionals this paper aims to identify the current scenario of cyber crime and how it can affect national security of India. Our finding shows that Indian people don’t have much awareness about the cyber crime and this can be harmful for national Security. To mitigate these risks we have provided solutions and suggestion it can reduce the impact of cyber crime. KEYWORD: - Need of e-society, Problem for e-society, Impact of e-society’s problem over national security. Introduction: Today’s world is known as w3 (World Wide Web) planet. Computer Network is backbone of growth of economies, vigorous research communities, strong militaries, transparent governments, and faire free societies. The electronic services like emails, internet banking & cyber space are essential part of society. So, Cyber security and information security are growing demands across all the sectors in the government as well as private firms. With the advent of information technology comes a threat of it is being misused. Today cyber crimes are much more sophisticated than they were saying 5 years back (1).