Basically cyber crime can be divided into three major categories such as cyber crime against person, cyber crime against property and cyber crime against government. Cyber crime against person includes various crimes like transmission of child pornography, indecent exposure, harassment of any one with the use of email or websites where the asked to enter password , phone number ,address , credit card number , bank account number and other information that are needed to steal another parson's identity .furthermore, these type of harassment can be sexual, racial, religious ,on gender , nationality or other and often occurs in chat rooms , through news groups and by sending hate emails to interested parties. And these types of crimes badly affect to the younger generation which sometimes leave irreparable injury if not properly controlled .
The second category of cyber crime committed against all forms of property including computer vandalism which distraction of others property , transmission of harmful program , stole the technical data base from other person's computer with the help of a corporate cyber spy .
The third category of cyber crime related to crimes against government .cyber terrorism is one of the example if this category.The medium of cyber space is being used by individuals and groups