What is the link between the development of technology and criminal offences?
Trends are developing to shift the nature of crimes from traditional to Hi-Tech and it is impossible to prevent people from misusing technology to commit crimes. Computer or networks may be used as a tool or a storage medium to commit crimes. In the meantime, we must keep in mind that all computers related systems are vulnerable to destruction and intrusion. As a result some authors classify computer crimes under three areas such as :
1.Computer related offences – the accused uses the computer/network as tool/s to commit offences.
2. Computer integrated offences – the accused commits offences through Computer/system/programme e.g. modification by virus, Trojan horse etc.
3. Contents related offences – the accused changes/destroys data e.g. offences relating to intellectual property.
Under these circumstances, application of new methodology to investigate and seizure of data stored in Computer hardware, software, communication devices, or any other forms, its forensic issues will play a vital role relating to Computer Crimes.
What is the legal position on Computer Crimes in Sri Lanka?
The Parliament of Sri Lanka has enacted the long awaited Computer Crime Act and that was gazetted on the 13th July 2007. However, there is no implementation of the Act up to date due to various shortcomings of the Administration of the country such as public unawareness of the existence of the Act, shortage of experts, trained Police officers to investigate offences under the Act, non-availability of computer forensic laboratories.
What are the major Offences under the Computer Crime Act?
Part I of the Act explains the offences relating to cyber crimes. These offences are common offences (subject to some variations) identified and recognised internationally.
What is Computer hacking ?
Section 3 of the Act deals with ‘unauthorised access’