Cyber Crime in America
Cyber Crime Cyber crime, also referred to as computer crime comprises of all crimes that are committed using a computer or with the help of a computer. Cyber crime is not a single activity but instead there are various activities that may be categorized as cyber crimes. However, the major activities involved include illegal or unauthorized access of information or data, interception of data from the computer illegally, unauthorized damaging or deletion of data from the computer, misuse of devices and committing fraud by electronic means (Broadhurst, 2005). Although there is a wide range of activities that may be classified under cyber crimes, there are two general categories under which these activities can be classified. The first category is that of crimes that directly target networks or other devices in the computer. The second category is where the computer is used as a tool to commit crime but the target is not directed to any computer devices or any content in the computer.
Some of the crimes whose primary target is the computer or devices within the computer include computing or creating viruses, malicious and malware codes and denial of service attacks. On the other hand activities that would fall under the second category include identity theft, cyber stalking, information warfare and fraud (Siegel, 2008). There are some specific computer crimes. Some of them include:
Spam – This refers to sending of bulk emails to people’s addresses without their consent or authority usually for commercial purposes. Fraud on the other hand refers to misrepresentation of facts with the intention of inducing another into doing or refraining to do a particular action which results into a loss. Fraud is committed in a number of ways. The first one is alteration of computer input which is common as it does not require much expertise.
References: Broadhurst, R. (2005). Cyber-crime: the challenge in Asia, Hong Kong University Press. Colank, A. (2006). Cyber Terrorism, Idea Group Inc. Siegel, L. (2008). Criminology. New York: Cengage Learning.