Cyber Forensics by Richard Boddington
School of Information Technology
Assignment 2 – Research Essay
Assignment outline
• Assignment 2 – Research Essay is a submission of an essay based on the cyber forensic environment and is worth
30% of the overall unit mark
• Internal and external students undertake the same activities and are assessed the same. ICT248 undergraduate students are assessed differently from ICT548 post-graduate students in Assignment 2
• The submission of a research essay based on the cyber forensic environment. The length of the essay should be:
• ICT248 Undergraduate students - 3,500 words
• ICT548 Postgraduate students - 4,500 words
Research not a ‘free-range essay’ • You are required to complete and submit a RESEARCHBASED essay describing and discussing the processes
AND challenges involved in identifying, recovering, securing, examining, analysing and preparing digital evidence from a crime scene
• This covers the theoretical part of the unit and should be based on the lecture/workshop material, this guide, the lecture notes and, most importantly your own research endeavours • In my experience, employers are looking for graduates who possess analytical, research and communication (writing) skills above and beyond the components of the degree
The essay MUST contain:
• Introduction and table of contents - Defining your scope of coverage of the essay
Content – To enhance your grades, you MUST include some description and discussion of the following in your essay:
Describe digital evidence
Explain the key principles of cyber forensics
Discuss investigation processes used to:
preserve locate select analyse validate, and present evidence obtained from a computer for evidentiary purposes
• Discuss and the importance of crime reconstruction hypotheses and alternative hypotheses
The essay MUST contain:
• Conclusion - most