The smartphone, tablet, or computer isn't to blame for kids getting harassed online, its social media, you can learn more at . The reason cyberbullying can be more dangerous is because there is a slim chance you might be caught bullying another. says girls can be more threatening online than boys, girls can be more offended than boy can and make a deal out of nothing. It has also lead to depression, self harm, discontinuing school, and suicide.For more details on it go to , it says over 4,400 have ended their life over bulling. Most may think it's all on the playground and in the hallways but it's online as well,and harder to get away
The smartphone, tablet, or computer isn't to blame for kids getting harassed online, its social media, you can learn more at . The reason cyberbullying can be more dangerous is because there is a slim chance you might be caught bullying another. says girls can be more threatening online than boys, girls can be more offended than boy can and make a deal out of nothing. It has also lead to depression, self harm, discontinuing school, and suicide.For more details on it go to , it says over 4,400 have ended their life over bulling. Most may think it's all on the playground and in the hallways but it's online as well,and harder to get away