but that is a little too late. Awareness isn't enough for many but is is a start in the right direction at least many think so. Harsher laws are being drawn up by legislators across the country in effort to contain the epidemic but for the last souls the only thing that offers some closure for their loved ones is that this never happens to anyone again and that the next person to go through it has one type of way to find help.
Like it was said previously, more and more states are mandating school districts have policies in place to protect students but in reality the policies are to protect the school districts from being sued.
Stories of schools being sued for doing too much are popping up left and right in the new. If schools do too little the are sued for negligence. If a school does too much they are accused of violating students right to free speech. In the cases of Phoebe Prince the truth whether or not South Hadley High school knew about the harassment going on, the school had a no tolerance policy when it came to bullying and harassment yet the students responsible were on given minor disciplinary actions. The school justifies this by saying there was no set definition or standard for when intervention was necessary. Either way the schools that practice the same beliefs are held liable for the actions of students. Parents of the victims go on a personal crusade to knocking down anything in their path stopping them receiving closure and justice. The accused are usually held responsible, and eventually regret the harm that they have caused. Many foundations have made it the mission to help the stop and enlighten uses of the danger of cyber bullying and harassment. These foundations have the power to bring awareness the modern …show more content…
If you ask any high school student if their school has ever had assemblies on cyber bullying prevention and awareness the most common response will be a groan followed by a yes. Why is that because most students do not understand how big this issue is. The only way to educated students and teenagers about the scary truths behind the issue is to literally scare them. The use of law enforcement tend to scare teen agers straight. If prevention is the answer for the epidemic, awareness is vital in that as well. The solution is up in the air. When searches on the internet “what is being done about cyber bullying” tons of web pages pop up offering information but none offering anything the others cites do not. The truth is that many people do not take this issue serious.
The scary truth is that anyone is susceptible to cyber bullying and harassment whether it start at school or on social media.
The extent of the damage will range, all depending on whether the targets are well aware of the resources at their disposal and it help is sought. In the age where anything is one click away people would think that these issues would not be a problem but never the less the issues are there. Phoebe Prince and all the other teenagers who resorted to suicide could have been saved if the appropriate actions had been taken and if the bullies had seem the extent of the damage that had been caused. Parents have new methods of keeping track of children. Whatever it maybe society is slowly evolving with the rest of those who are aware of the importance. The answer to “What is being down about cyber bullying and harassment?”, is easy. Everything, everything that can be. The rest is up to the victims. If it happening on school seek help, if it is happening on social media and at school seek justice. Do not stay quiet if you stay quiet the enemies
Countless actions have been taken against bullying and harassment inside of schools and outside of schools but the shame issues still exists. States, schools and parent are working together to get the issue under control. The fact that this has happened across the country is something that should bring the nation together . Schools are slowly catching on and caring about the wellbeing of their students and understanding that the issue is not should not be left up to the victim to fix and recognizing the signs in student before something horrible happen. The school districts have taken it upon themselves to ensure the safety of theirs students. Any cyberbullying activity is outside of school is handled by law enforcement but the bullies do face consequences in schools before the police are involved. Teachers along with students are receiving training in catching the signs early enough to see the horrible events before they inevitably happen to more students. Also caring enough to tell a student this was not there fault and that the problem will not last forever.