With everything in society advancing rapidly, it should be of no surprise that technology is now used to commit crimes against other people. Those crimes include identity theft, stealing money, illegal gambling, and cyberstalking. This paper will review cybercrime and the differences there are from traditional crime and it will review the purpose of hackers. There will also be three cases reviewed to help bring light to what kind of cybercrimes are being committed around the world.
Differences between Cybercrime and Traditional Crime
For an individual to fully understand the difference between cybercrime and traditional crime, the individual needs to understand what cybercrime is. The definition of cybercrime is according to "Oxford Dictionaries" (2014), "crime conducted via the internet or some other computer network" (cybercrime). Cybercrime is committed by hackers with the goal of financial gain in min by stealing personal information(bank information, credit card information, etc) from individuals. Traditional Crime is a considered crimes against the public. There are many different categories for cybercrime but the main four include identity theft, illegal gambling, cyber terrorism, and cyber stalking. Both cybercrime and traditional crime are charged on a state law level; however, there are plenty of federal laws that can be violated through committing cybercrime. The main difference that needs to be known is that when cybercrimes are committed, the crimes are done so from the luxury of a hacker 's house or place of business while traditionally crimes are not. Another difference worth noting is that cybercrime criminals have the ability to commit these crimes from different states, even internationally at some levels. When cybercrimes are committed liken that, it makes it hard to prosecute as the laws may vary from place to place. That is usually when federal laws are reviewed for a
References: Baker, M. (2010). Policeone. Retrieved from http://www.policeone.com/federal-law-enforcement/articles/2187579-FBI-gets-suspect-in-massive-cyber-crime-case/ Meriwether, D. (1995). Takedown. Retrieved from http://www.takedown.com/bio/mitnick.html Orphanides, K. (2011). Top 10 Most Spectacular Hacks. Retrieved from http://www.expertreviews.co.uk/general/1285633/top-10-most-spectacular-hacks/2 Oxford Dictionaries. (2014). Retrieved from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/cybercrime