A White Paper for Franchisors, Licensors, and Others
Bruce S. Schaeffer, Henfree Chan
Henry Chan and Susan Ogulnick
© 2009, Bruce S. Schaeffer, Henfree Chan, Henry Chan, and Susan Ogulnick
Wolters Kluwer
Law & Business
Wolters Kluwer Law & Business is a leading provider of premier research products and tools in many legal practice areas, including a comprehensive suite of products designed to provide the most up-to-date and current information in franchise and distribution law.
The CCH Business Franchise Guide, commonly referred to as the “bible of franchise law,” is the only single source of federal and state franchise and distribution laws, regulations, uniform disclosure formats, explanations, and full-text case reporting.
It contains the two official formats franchisors use to create presale disclosure and registration documents — the FTC franchise disclosure format and the Uniform
Franchise Offering Circular. It includes full-text of state franchise disclosure/ registration and relationship/termination laws, state business opportunity laws, and
English translations of international franchise laws and regulations. The publication contains a unique collection of more than 6,500 court and administrative decisions
(including relevant international decisions), many available only in the Guide. Online customers also have access to a multi-jurisdictional research tool, the Smart Chart™ that compares State Disclosure/Registration Laws, State Relationship/Termination
Laws, and State Business Opportunity Laws.
CCH Franchise Regulation and Damages by Byron E. Fox and Bruce S. Schaeffer is the first franchise treatise that converts liability into damages and dollars. This valuable work explains franchise law, computation of damages, assessing litigation risks, how to value franchises, and how to use expert witnesses. This resource reviews topics seldom covered in franchise law research, while going