FOSTER: The Megan Meier Cyber Bullying Prevention Act helps to define what is covered under the term “cyberbullying.” For instance, in order for a behavior to be defined as cyberbullying, it must be repeated, hostile, and severe with the intent to embarrass, threaten, or harass. We included the term repeated in our definition so that actions that are a part of an isolated incident, such as telling someone you hate him or her in the midst of a verbal argument, is not considered cyberbullying.
WARNKE: But shouldn’t law enforcement officials be focusing on the kinds of crimes that affect more people? Cyberbullying might seem somewhat trivial, as it only affects only two people: the bully and the victim. …show more content…
Cyberbullying can also lead to kids getting physically injured. This bill ensures that someone is held accountable for the behavior that led to someone getting hurt. And by passing the Prevention Act, we’re deterring people from engaging in cyberbullying by showing such behavior is a punishable crime that won’t be