7.1 Radiation shielding and temperature regulation
For shielding the inhabitants of Cygnus from the harmful solar radiation, many metals are used. First of all polished silver is used that has an emissivity of only 2%, meaning that 98% of the incoming radiation is blocked by it. There are 10 layers of polished silver, with other materials in between. Therefore the10 layers of polished silver let less than 0.0001% of solar radiation to reach the interior of the settlement. Then there is platinum, which, with a high atomic number, can block gamma rays. Following this is UV reflective glass, a special type of glass that is used in making spectacles, that blocks UV rays. Then there is low-e glass, a type of glass that …show more content…
This will also be used to give the effect of changing season in Cygnus.
The agricultural area’s walls shall use UV reflective transparent glass and low-e glass for radiation shielding so that the plants can grow and photosynthesize better in sunlight. Making the plants face the walls is not a problem as the plants are grown in 0g. The industrial sector of the rotating module B has walls made of the same materials as the residential area, while the industrial area of module A has walls similar to the agricultural area, so that the people can view the outer space.
7.2 Nutrition
Food is obtained from the agricultural sector. Crops grown are wheat, rice, potatoes, cucumber, carrots, tea, lettuce, cabbage, beans, cotton, corn, onion, peas, garlic, mango, tomato, soybeans, spinach, spices, lemon, cocoa, orange, banana, apples, almonds, tulips, sunflowers, roses, sugarcane and mustard. Cattle rearing done here provides milk and milk products. Common salt is imported from earth. The fulfilment of the daily requirement of nutrients is given as …show more content…
This will give the effect of changing season in Cygnus. For rain, silver iodide is used to collect the evaporated water in the atmosphere and form clouds that cause rain.
7.6 Agricultural regulation
One needs to keep a frequent watch on the agricultural sector to ensure proper growth of plants. First of all, crops will be harvested after every three months. Fruits can be plucked anytime. The water for hydroponics shall come from lunar water. Manure is obtained by recycling of wastewater and by vermicomposting solid organic waste produced by human. Manure is also obtained from the unused stalks of the harvested crops. All these nutrients shall be added to the soil or hydroponics to ensure proper growth of the plants.
7.7 Maintenance
For Cygnus to thrive, we need to maintain everything within its reach extensively (Note : This does not include the solar arrays or the asteroid hunters because they are managed separately by their computers). For this purpose, maintenance bots are used. They are a set of 500 robots which shall be present in the industrial sector of module B to do the necessary maintenance work. This includes repairing and replacing the faulty machines of Cygnus a month before they actually stop working, repairing houses as well as the walls of the vessel. The robots will be present in the central industrial control hub. Along with them, a group of fifty people will also be present