How to monitor children and young people’s development using different methods.
• Assessment framework/s.
Children and young people will be monitored continually and observed by Doctors and Health visitors from birth.(first assessment is Apgar score )to check that the child is progressing and developing at a normal rate and to identify those children who do not match the expected pattern, then to plan and provide more support for that child
Children are assessed in schools right from reception years and are monitored using formative assessment frameworks such as EYFS.
They need to use these assessments to monitor relevant experiences for each child, they make assessments of every child’s achievements and learning styles..
Permission needs to be gained from parents before assessment begins.
There are three parts to the assessment framework.
Part 1
Pre-assessment of 5 outcomes for children, to be healthy and stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and achieve economic well being.
Part 2
Common assessment process.
Collects all information to form a true picture of the child’s needs.
Part 3
Standard form to record all outcomes which will be shared between parents/carer/ teacher.
• Observation
Observations are used to asses the Childs development.
It is helpful to observe children and young people in the family environment while they are interacting with family and friends or while they are in the playground.
Often videos, photos and audio recordings are used to observe. Drawings the child has done will be collected and used too.
This method is very appropriate to see if the child’s development is cause for concern.
Records taken and feedback to parents about any worrying issues during observation are then compared against normal milestones to see if any further action is needed.
When observing a child in your care you will need to learn about their interests, skills,