There are many ways in which a childs progress is monitored and assessed within my setting, both formative and summative assessments are carried out. The differences between these is that formative assessments are governed and are usually carried out at set times as a child progresses through school whereas a summative assessments are carried out continually throughout the school day through observing and monitoring children within each task. Structured approaches include Assessing Pupils’ Progress (APP) and Assessment for Learning (AfL).
APP is a structured approach to periodically assessing mathematics, science, reading, writing and speaking and listening so teachers can track pupils' progress from Year 1 through to the end of Year 6 and use diagnostic information about pupils' strengths and weaknesses. APP facilitates working in partnership with parents to meet curriculum targets and learning that is individual to the childs level and understanding by providing a common framework and reducing the need to use tests, giving a clearer and more accurate picture of learners’ achievements and progress.
AfL is a natural, integral and important part of effective learning and teaching. Its main benefit is to facilitating teachers and children to continually reflect on how learning is progressing, to see where improvements can be made and identify what needs to be done. This should be implemented in everyday situations within the classroom.
Informal assessment within my setting includes: sharing and talking about learning objectives and learning outcomes to clarifying progression. observing and listening to gather knowledge of each individual. questioning and whole-class discussions to