Learning outcome 1
1.1 Explain how to recognise and build on the strengths of a child or young person by giving different examples of positive strategies
We need to take into account the child or young person’s age, need, abilities and interests and at what stage the young person is at. With this we can then support positive practice by using their likes at interests as a motivator. For example Child A is non verbal but I no she likes row row your boat and physically rowing the boat. For her to get this I like to make her communicate by using her method which is makaton. So I will say to Child A “what would you like to do” and Child A will sign back to me asking for row row your boat. By doing this I am encouraging and supporting with her speech and communication needs as this is her way of communicating. On the other hand I have been in a situation when a young person can talk but if refusing to and will only use signs, we were playing in soft play and he was really enjoying me pushing him in and pulling him out he kept signing for more, this to me was him being lazy and his parents has already asked us to encourage him to use his words. So I said aloud “you need to use your words or we stop”. The YP then spoke aloud and asked for more. This carried on for a while and I then supported him to carry on using his words so asking for something different and to finish. Also at the end of each session we sit with our key worker child and fill out an observation form together to get the child or young person talking to express their feelings.
1.2 Compare the differences between strategies based on children and young people’s strengths and abilities and those based around children’s difficulties
Focusing on the child’s strengths rather than difficulties will not only boost their confidence but will also make them feel positive. The differences between