1.1 Creative learning is about how children problem solve, how they think and how they imagine. To allow this we need to provide opportunities for children to explore and to be imaginative in what they do, we need to provide resources that can be transported and manipulated, for example a child may decide to build a tower from Lego and then add farm animals and making it into a stable.
Creativity is how children express themselves, through drawing, painting, dance, singing or stories, it is about letting children explore emotions and self-expression and be creative sometimes without an end result.
1.2 Current theoretical approaches to creativity & creative learning include,
Nature or Nurture – Are children naturally creative in terms of do they have a musical talent or is this something that can be nurtured and taught?
Role modelling – children may learn from watching others, if we allow children to see us being creative and making pictures will they then copy us and be creative.
1.3 Creativity & creative learning can support other areas of development such as
Emotional – creativity allows children to express emotions whilst taking on the role of someone else, for example playing at being a mother who is angry with the child, whilst creative learning allows the child to develop their own problem solving skills and allows them to understand their thinking may be different to someone else’s, that they may choose different resources for the same outcome.
Social - creativity allows children to join in with others in role play activities such as pretending to be mum & dad or sisters, it allows children to make relationships through play, whilst creative learning allows them to take resources and use them to make and end product to show to a peer or an adult to gain praise, this gives them a sense of self confidence.
Intellectual – creativity and creative learning allows children develop intellectual skills as all of the areas in the EYFS link into