D-Day happened on 6th June 1944 after five years of war with Germany. D-Day was an invasion towards Germany by a massive military force that set out from England towards France. It was going to take over Nazi Germany and Germany’s leader Adolf Hitler because the Nazi’s had nearly taken over the whole of Europe which wouldn’t have happened if appeasement didn’t occur. The allied forces landed on the beaches of Normandy and started to break through the German army’s defences. They began an attack that lasted for eleven months which took them all the way to the German capital Berlin, to the bunker that was Adolf Hitler’s headquarters.
In April 1943 the British General Fredrick …show more content…
At the same time planes and gliders dropped tens of thousands of allied soldiers behind the German defences, so they could take control of important roads and bridges to make it harder for the German army to rush extra men towards the areas where the troops were landing. Masses of ships set out from the South coast of England, in total over 6,000 vessels joined the attack and were supported by over 11,000 planes. The naval force crossed the channel overnight, at 6:30 am on June 6 troops started to land on the beaches of Normandy and by the end of D-Day the allies had put 156,000 troops ashore in Normandy.
The troops landed on beaches along an 80km stretch of Normandy coastline in the North of France it’s not the closest part of France to the UK but it was chosen because Hitler was expecting the invasion force to cross the English Channel at its narrowest point. However by making a longer sea voyage they avoided some of the heaviest coastal defences.
There were five main landing beaches: Juno, Gold, Omaha, Sword and Utah. The heaviest fighting was on Omaha beach; overall the soldiers suffered about 10,000 casualties (dead or wounded) on D-Day