Questionnaires are the most popular method of extracting information from people. They are usually conducted by post, telephone or in person, now commonly on the internet. Questionnaires are easy to administer and easy for respondents to deal with. They simplify the analysis of results, and can provide detailed information. A useful way of delivering a questionnaire is online. One way of doing this is to ask the public to fill in a questionnaire, which then enables them to register for access to a website. However, questionnaires are easy to 'cheat' on and a market research agency will ensure that 'control questions' has been built in to check that the questionnaire has been filed in in a suitable fashion.
When gathering market research, it is important to make sure that the data you get is valid, meaning it is trustworthy and reliable. By ensuring that the information is valid, it also ensures that it will be useful as well as valuable.
Two of the limitations I encountered on when evaluating my survey my small sample size and the location where I decided to carry out my survey. My sample size, consisting of 20 participants, was too small to be able represent the target market segment aged 16 – 18. “A small sample size may result in the lack of statistical representation” , as a smaller sample sizes get increasingly further away from the entire population. In reality there is simply not enough; time, energy, money, labour/man power, equipment, access to suitable sites to measure every single item or site within the parent population or whole sampling frame. Therefore an appropriate sampling strategy is adopted to obtain a representative, and statistically valid sample of the whole. Also larger sample sizes are more accurate representations of those whom, so the sample size chosen should balance