In Document F, the cartoon shows Britain taking goods from America while America is trying to put a stop to it. This political cartoon, created by Alexander Anderson, addresses the displeasure with Jefferson’s Embargo Act (1807). As shown in the cartoon, a smuggler is being bitten by an American snapping turtle named “Ograbme.” The turtle’s name is a play on words of the word embargo. In Document M, it states that people were meeting for the Hartford Convention to come up with amendments. The amendments demanded direct taxes, no new Union States, no embargo lasting more than sixty days, that Congress has no power to declare a war, and that a president can serve only one term. The Hartford Convention brought changes politically including the eventual end of the Federalist Party. …show more content…
Americans think this because as a result, their wealth will be exhausted and their “best blood will be shed in its reduction.” The document states that the only economical benefit to annex Canada would be that “it would furnish offices to a set of hungry villains.” In Document J, it states that Great Britain has been doing America wrong by tearing them out of their homes. In the document it says that if Britain were being treated that way, they would have killed us (Americans). In the document, it says that the United States must act against these wrongs done by the