continues using cannabis despite knowledge of having a persistent psychological problem that caused by cannabis.
continues using cannabis despite knowledge of having a persistent psychological problem that caused by cannabis.
Social History: Married, has one daughter. Patient works as a substitute teacher. Smokes one-pack of cigarettes on a daily basis. Denies ETOH, smoked Marihuana last night. No IV drug abuse.…
SOCIAL HISTORY: Married with two daughters. Patient has been in the USA for 10 years. The patient has no recent history of smoking he smoked in the past. But the amount is unclear. He is a restaurant manager for the Marriot hotel chain.…
He is currently not prescribed with any CNS medication. He is on the waitlist to see a psychiatrist. The client is aware that should he be prescribed with any medication to notify the HOI medical team. Addressing the dosing –the client reported that he is comfortable with his current dose. He reported past withdrawal symptoms as an issue. This writer encourages the client that if he continues to have to any future issue with withdrawal to notify the medical team at HOI, at which the client agreed to do so. The client reported of having chronic medical issues and is encouraged by this writer to continue to follow through with MD recommendation to address his…
SOCIAL HISTORY: Patient admits to alcohol ingestion nightly and on weekends. Denies tobacco use. Denies illicit drug use. He is married.…
Client stated that this caused her to flee to the United States because she was in fear for her life. Client also stated half of her body being numb, she said the doctor said it was caused by stress. Other than that client reports no other mental health problems. Client reports she doesn’t take medication. Client does not report any of the children having mental health problems. Client submitted immunization for all of her children from Honduras. Ms. Suazo is the only household member with health insurance at the present…
Physical Appearance – Patient is a healthy 33 year old African American Male with dark brown eyes. Ht: 5’10Wt: 196 poundsColor: Even Skin Tone, Pt. lips are pink in color so dehydration is not present.pain level 0/10 on pain scale. No over the counter medications have been taken.Orientation: A&O x3 (time, place, and person), client denies any depression or anxiety; answers all questions appropriately when asked. Dress and Grooming: Patient was well groomed, and had appropriate footwear. Hair is short and neatly groomed. (Pt. stated no dryness and breakage).Mobility: Patient had normal mobility denied any pain or joint weakness in x4 extremities; posture is normal with no deviations or…
Client’s symptoms did not meet the criteria of schizoaffective disorder, schizophrenia disorder, delusional disorder, dysthymia, or due to any medication and the influences of any drug or alcohol use.…
Claimant reports the following sever emotional complaints: depression, anhedonia, low self- esteem, isolative, withdrawn, isolated, feeling hopeless and helpless. She reports having difficulty concentrating, organizing and difficulty completing daily activities. She reports feeling numb, handicapped, nervous, irritable and confused throughout the day. She reports experiencing significantly impaired memory, intellectual functioning and decision making. Claimant reports feeling anxious, frustrated and has lost interest in most of the activities. She reports feeling worthless in all aspects of her life: family, intimate relationship and social environment. Claimant reports experiencing daily panic attacks, ruminative thinking and excessive…
character. Impaired occupational and social function. Problems with cleanliness and physical appearance. Paranoid thoughts and ideas. Suicidal thoughts and behaviors.”…
SOCIAL HISTORY: Married has one daughter. Patient works as a substitute teacher. Smokes one pack of cigarettes on a daily basis. Denies ETOH. Smoked marijuana last night. No IV drug abuse.…
SOCIAL HISTORY: Married with 2 daughters. Patient has been in the USA for 10 years. Patient has no resent history of smoking he smoked in the past, but the amount is unclear. He is a restaurant manager for the Marriot hotel chain.…
The debate on medical marijuana use and legalization generally centers on the potential effect that cannabis may have on the user. Arriving at an answer to the question of, “How does medical marijuana affect mental illness?,” requires an understanding of the research that exists on the issue, an assessment of the scientific evidence relevant to the correlation between cannabis and mental illness, as well as the possible application of marijuana and CBD as treatment options for varying mental illness conditions. Currently, in the midst of misinformation and fear, there is insufficient compelling evidence to support the notion that cannabis causes mental illness. Reports suggest that the association between cannabis use and psychotic symptoms…
I got a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Fayetteville State University, North Carolina. My family and I are currently residing (station) in the state of Bavaria, Germany. I do not have social work/social service experience using the DSM-5. Thus, I need to acquire all the skills and information from the course outline; course competencies and practice behaviors, to be able to use the DSM-5 for social work services and to make some decisions about treatment options.…