Minos found out that Daedalus had told Ariadne and then he imprisoned him for life in the labyrinth.
Daedalus came up with a plan to escape the labyrinth by constructing wings and flying out to safety.
He built the wings for htem to fly away out of feathers and wax.
Daedalus warned Icarus not to fly to low for his wings would touch the water and get heavy so he wouldn't be able to fly.
He also warned Icarus not to fly to high or close to the sun for the hear would melt the wax in his wings and they would fall apart and he would fall with them.
Icarus was to overwhelmed by the thrill of flying that he wanted to go higher so he ended up flying too close to the sun and then falling back down to the ocean.
Daedalus escaped to Sicily and his son's body was drug ashore by a current to an island with no name.
Heracles found Icarus' body and then gave him a proper burial and named the island after the fallen Icarus which is why the island's name is Ikaria Island.
The modern moral that would go along with this story could be interpreted different ways. I feel that there could be more than one moral to go along with this story. For example, "jealousy" goes along with the story very well. If Daedalus wouldn't have reacted the way he did against Talus over jealousy then he would have never been exiled to Crete, he never would have had to build the labyrinth, he never would have been trapped in the labyrinth, and he also wouldn't have had to make a plan to escape the labyrinth therefore leading to his son's death.
Another few morals that could be used in this story are, "don't push your luck,", "don't bite the hand that feeds you," and "parents know best." Icarus knew that he had boundaries on how high and low he could fly. But, he got caught up in the excitement of being able to fly and flew too close to the sun and then ended up paying the price for not listening to his father and what he had to say about the wax in his wings melting. In other words he didn't listen to his father an he definitely bit the hand that feeds him and clearly pushed his luck by going closer and closer to the sun.