Group Project
Principles of Management
Instructor: Shezeen Saleem Hemani
Section 4
Group Members Ammanullah Saleemullah Waseem Haider
Aoun Muhammad Shehbaz Ahmad
Mr. Hamza
Muhammd Irfan
Brief Introduction and History
Corporate Strategy
Business Strategy
Core Competencies
SWOT analysis
Emerging Competitors
Functional Strategy
Organizational Structure
Human Resource Management
The Daewoo express is a pioneer service, in transport sector, in Pakistan. It is a first and the biggest foreign investment company with a magnificent and advanced transport system in Pakistan. It is the single most transport company having international trade links. It’s headquarter is located in Lahore, Pakistan. It is operated by Sammy which is a Korean company. i
Daewoo transport service has been excelling in the field of transport service due to its excellent infrastructure. It is the single company having the largest fleet of buses, technically advanced workshops and training institutes for its employees. It is always keen about the comfort of passengers and ensures from each and every angle to gain and to maintain their trust and loyalty. Brief introduction of its exceptional and competitive setup is as follows;
The corporate strategy is the set of businesses in which an organisation competes and allocates its resources. It may be concentration, vertical integration, concentric diversification or conglomerate diversification. But the strategy adopted by Daewoo is conglomerate diversification.
Conglomerate diversification
“The strategy used to add new businesses that produces unrelated products or are involved in unrelated markets and activities.”ii Daewoo is involved in the following markets and businesses;
It is the major action by which a particular organization is competing with its competitors. Basically there are two business strategies. These are “Low cost strategy” and “Differentiation strategy”
However, the Daewoo