With around 56.7 of worlds buffaloes, 12.5 cattle, 1.5 pigs and 3.1 poultry, India has the largest livestock sector in the world. Animal husbandry, being an integral part of the Gross Domestic Product, comprised 4 of the GDP and 26 of the agricultural GDP. Generating outputs worth Livestock Rs 2075 billion (at 2004-05 prices) in 2010-11, the total output worth was higher than the value of food grains. Livestock sector plays an important role in socio-economic development of rural households. Over the last two decades, livestock sector has grown at an annual rate of 5.6 percent, which is higher than the growth of agricultural sector (3.3 percent). The share of livestock in GDP also declined but not as steep as the share of agricultural sector. It remained between 5-6 until 2000-01 and then gradually declined to 3.9 in 2010-11. Nonetheless, the share of livestock in the agricultural GDP improved consistently from 15 in 1981-82 to 26 in 2010-11.The Livestock Insurance Scheme is a centrally sponsored scheme under which the crossbred and high yielding cattle and buffaloes are being insured at maximum of their current market price. The premium of the insurance is subsidized to the tune of 50. The entire cost of the subsidy is being borne by the Central Government. The benefit of subsidy is being provided to a maximum of 2 animals per beneficiary for a policy of maximum of three years. The scheme is being implemented in all states except Goa through the State Livestock Development Boards of respective states. The scheme is proposed to be extended to 100 old districts covered during pilot period and more species of livestock including indigenous cattle, yak mithun. The Livestock Insurance Scheme has been formulated with the twin objective of providing protection mechanism to the farmers and cattle keepers against any eventual loss of their animals due to death and to demonstrate the benefit of the insurance of livestock to the people. Livestock industry of Lucknow Out of…