Buchanan is responsible for the death of Jay Gatsby.
Nick Carraway and Gatsby’s servants knew that Mr.George Wilson, a spiritless man from the Valley of Ashes, was seen entering Gatsby’s yard and soon after, gun shots were heard through the neighborhood. Wilson had heard from Tom Buchanan, “a sturdy strawhaired man of thirty with a rather hard mouth and a supercilious manner. Two shining arrogant eyes had established dominance over his face and gave him the appearance of always leaning aggressively forward,”pg. 7, that Jay Gatsby had hit his wife, Myrtle Wilson, who was also Tom Buchanan’s mistress, with his …show more content…
Wilson found out about this information, he left his home and walked all they way to Mr. Gatsby’s home and shot and killed Jay Gatsby.
After killing Gatsby, Mr. Wilson turned the gun on himself and committed suicide after seeing the mess he created for himself. During these events, Tom and Daisy Buchanan fled the scene of East Egg and according to them, had no knowledge of Mr. Wilson’s intentions of killing
Jay Gatsby, and were only leaving on vacation with their young daughter, Pammy. But according to witnesses of Jay and Daisy’s relationship, they were more than just neighbors. Apparently
Daisy had been having an affair with Mr. Gatsby and was seen on numerous afternoons kissing
Jay and had been to his mansion multiple times. It was also said that when Tom discovered that
Daisy was responsible for Myrtle’s death, that he blamed Gatsby when George Wilson came to their home looking for answers the night Jay Gatsby was killed.
I propose that Daisy Buchanan is responsible for the death of Jay Gatsby. All these events lead back to Mrs. Buchanan even when she clearly did not murder him. She did not pull the trigger on Mr.Gatsby, but her presence triggered Jay Gatsby’s