Daisyworld is a mathematical model that yields hypothetical examples of planetary self- regulation as a result of physical feedbacks between life and its environment. This balance between ecosystem mechanisms and variations governs the spatial coexistence of areas of dominance between daisy species and their mutations or adaptions. This theory is an independent model, related to the Gaia hypothesis, that was introduced by James Lovelock and Andrew Watson in a paper published in 1983. The environment of Daisyworld is condensed down to one variable, temperature, and the biota consists of two types of life, black and white daises. This model represents how the daisies can alter and regulate the temperature variable at a local level …show more content…
The white daisies reflect light; subsequently causing cooling while black daisies absorbs the light, causing the planet to warm.
The original model was altered to incorporate a grey daisy (lovelock 1992), which saved energy by not generating black or white pigment. This daisy did not destroy regulation as it had the selective advantage of saving energy, however this could only be done when solar input was at a level where regulation isn’t required.
Another variation stated that evolution by natural selection requires genetic variation in order to act. This variation is minimal in the original Daisyworld; hence a model with a larger pool of variant daisies of different colours has been generated. Through variation natural selection can help further generate environmental self- …show more content…
In this feedback, different daisy species affect the temperature, and in turn the temperature affects daisy survival, and hence the selection process. The temperature as a consequence is heavily influenced by the richness of black and white daisies, and competition for space between the two species causes planetary self- regulation. Life not only influences the environment but adjusts it in a way that it is appropriate for itself.
Spatial Daisyworld
Daisyworld is a non- spatial, dynamic model in system dynamics (SD), which has been modified in one simulation to include two new land cover types: (1) a spatialisation of Daisyworld and (2) a barren landscape. Reasoning behind introducing additional land cover types is to emphasise spatial modeling systems and the potential consequences for SD modeling. Through this simulation barren land acts as a spatial barrier and unproductive landscape to prevent daisies from further propagation.
This type of land cover highlights how spatial landscape structures can cause diverse impacts on SD simulation. This approach essentially formalises a system structure, to provide a deeper understanding into the factors that drive systems of behaviour, whilst also examining future dynamics based on previous assumptions