The dancing scene in 'Dancing at Lughnasa' is important as it allows the reader to learn more about the individual characters and the unity the family has. We see this due to the order of which the sisters join into the dance and the way they act with each other. In the beginning of this particular scene, we are told about the way Maggie reacts to the song, in a almost surreal behaviour as she creates a 'mask' with flour on her face. They way that she is described to be wearing a mask makes the reader believe that the music that the radio has allowed has caused Maggie to become someone different, however in a positive way. It's allowed them freedom and a too branch away from their normal lifestyle, though staying close to their heritage due to the type of music. The fact that Maggie was the first to put on this 'mask' and to dance freely also allows the reader to understand that Maggie may be the one who tends to be the one who wants to be free and to let herself go, often not enjoying their current lifestyle as it wasn't her dream. Next to join in the dance is Rose, in the beginning the reader may believe that Rose is merely a character who must always be helped and who's dreams are simple and common, however, in this scene we begin to think differently. 'Rose's wellingtons pounding out their own erratic rhythm', this implies to the reader that Rose's dreams are different to that of the characteristic Irish woman's, as her rhythm is described to be different to the typical Irish songs'. The word 'pounding' also is a very drastic word that makes the reader think about the heart and how it 'pounds' everytime something important happens. This therefore enhances the idea that Rose is desperate to break out of her bonds and ties and to live her life freely and wildly. Now Maggie, Rose, Agnes and Chris are all dancing together, instantly telling the reader that they are the more extravagant characters who can easily get lost within
The dancing scene in 'Dancing at Lughnasa' is important as it allows the reader to learn more about the individual characters and the unity the family has. We see this due to the order of which the sisters join into the dance and the way they act with each other. In the beginning of this particular scene, we are told about the way Maggie reacts to the song, in a almost surreal behaviour as she creates a 'mask' with flour on her face. They way that she is described to be wearing a mask makes the reader believe that the music that the radio has allowed has caused Maggie to become someone different, however in a positive way. It's allowed them freedom and a too branch away from their normal lifestyle, though staying close to their heritage due to the type of music. The fact that Maggie was the first to put on this 'mask' and to dance freely also allows the reader to understand that Maggie may be the one who tends to be the one who wants to be free and to let herself go, often not enjoying their current lifestyle as it wasn't her dream. Next to join in the dance is Rose, in the beginning the reader may believe that Rose is merely a character who must always be helped and who's dreams are simple and common, however, in this scene we begin to think differently. 'Rose's wellingtons pounding out their own erratic rhythm', this implies to the reader that Rose's dreams are different to that of the characteristic Irish woman's, as her rhythm is described to be different to the typical Irish songs'. The word 'pounding' also is a very drastic word that makes the reader think about the heart and how it 'pounds' everytime something important happens. This therefore enhances the idea that Rose is desperate to break out of her bonds and ties and to live her life freely and wildly. Now Maggie, Rose, Agnes and Chris are all dancing together, instantly telling the reader that they are the more extravagant characters who can easily get lost within